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Not CC, Slots and Casinos?

August 15 2009 at 1:03 AM

Some of you guys who live in Tampa or Vegas, must know of some one who knows if slot machines are rigged. My sister had it so bad she had to sign her self out for life.

They sucked her in and took almost every thing.


I detest gambling in any form

August 15 2009, 1:44 AM 

I have seen, and still do, the misery that gambling can bring to a family.

Here is a bit I cut 'n pasted.

Published on June 10, 2009 by sofaraway1673 in Gambling

A brief description on slot machines, video poker, and keno machines. Which machines are more likely to hit?

What is the best way to play and gamble? What if I am on a budget?

Answer some of your questions here.

When you go to a casino, you might feel a bit overwhelmed with all the different games you are offered.

The options seem unlimited.

I have been in the casino business for several years, and the following information may help you understand a little about how the casinos work.

The first thing you should know about any casino, is that they thrive on peoples losses.

Otherwise, they would not be in business.

The actual odds of winning in a casino (that is, actually leaving with more money than you went with), is less than you might think.

Casinos generate tens of millions of dollars every month thanks to all the patrons who walk in believing that they might hit that big jackpot.

Chances are, this will not happen to you.

98% of all casino revenue is created from slot machines.

Casinos have these machines regulated to hit at certain times.

So, basically, if you happen to hit the one machine out of the thousands in that casino that is going to hit, you are the lucky one.

What are the chances that this will happen again?

Not very good, is it?

The strain that gambling, and poker machines in general, place on welfare institutions such as The Salvation Army, St Vincent De Paul and many others is unbelievable.

In Australia, it is even worse, nearly every pub (hotel), and football club, along with other sporting & service clubs, such as Returned service Clubs, Bowls Clubs, etc; has their share of these mongrel things.

The guv-urn-mints love them for the revenue they produce.

The pubs and casinos and all the others that have them installed love them for the revenue they produce.

But the misery & heartache they cause, far outweighs any benefits that I can see.

That's the end of my rant or whinge.



PS ::: Although it may be too late, at least your sister has done the right thing by banning herself, something the predators in these dens of iniquity should have done when they knew she was losing so much.

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Re: I detest gambling in any form

August 15 2009, 7:32 AM 

Nothing less than great advice from down under!


Re: I detest gambling in any form

August 16 2009, 2:08 PM 

I all boils down to self control if you have none or little do not go into a casino.

We spent all last Friday in a casino resort, did not place one bet play one hand of carpets or put one coin in a machine.
We went shopping all day had a few meals and drinks then went to a concert.

Every time we go to Vegas never gamble at all, if the odds are not in my favor why play. I feel the worst thing that can happen to anyone who walks into a casino is win fairly large at first, they get that rush and feel they will always win.

When I was younger and would gamble Black Jack, Roulette and Poker were the only games I would play, at least their you have a good chance at winning if you know how to play.



I agree

August 16 2009, 5:48 PM 

I agree David.

When I go to Vegas, I also stay in casinos and attend conventions & trade shows in casinos.

I am also a member of the Reef Casino in Cairns.

However, I also do not play any of the machines.

In Vegas, the casino is where I sleep, eat & stash my gear plus attend the above, also for the entertainment if I get a chance.

I am a member in Cairns only so that I may get a 50% discount on their great buffets. wink.gif

I am a self confessed foodaholic. happy.gif

Unfortunately, there are millions of people that do not have self control over their actions be it gambling, alcoholism or drugs.

I see all of these as a disease.

Kind regards,


PS ::: Maybe, with my rotund, fifteen inches short of my perfect height to weight ratio, my "foodaholic" syndrome should also be classified as a disease. wink.gif

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Current Topic - Not CC, Slots and Casinos?
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