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Do or Die

August 20 2009 at 2:21 PM

Do or Die... THAT is the question...

Got a call from an apartment complex to give a bid. Googled them and found only 1 review for it.

The complex is filthy and unsanitary because it hasn't been cleaned in seven months. It has bedbugs. Blood and vomit have been left in the elevator for days. The smell of a corpse found 3 weeks after the man died filled the entire building for several weeks. Management is negligent and abusive. A city health inspector cited the owners for safety and health violations. It is by far the worst place that I have ever lived.

Could really use the money though... My marketing funds are near depleted.


Re: Do or Die

August 20 2009, 3:59 PM 

I understand your frustration with funds, however I would suggest BBB and attorney general inquires to see if they pay their invoices. It only works if you get paid!
Make sure they sign your quote agreeing to work to be done in detail and payment terms.

rick lord

Check it Out

August 21 2009, 12:13 PM 

That one review could be from a guy that the owner had to evict
or had problems with so the guy tore him up in the review.
I would definately go check it out and talk to the guy you never know. I also always make sure that I don't do a lot of work without getting paid. In other words I'll do one or two jobs when they call for the 3rd job without paying I go find out where my money is before I do it. Don't let them owe you tons of money get it as you go.

Phil R

Re: Check it Out

August 21 2009, 6:18 PM 

My experience may be different but I will gladly share.

apartments show NO loyalty and take forever to pay. Once the current manager gets fired, the new one will want a new bid.

I had rather open a major artery.


Not bad

August 21 2009, 9:57 PM 

Did a walk-through and measured the carpet today. It's 6,000 sf CGD. Hallways and a day room. Carpets aren't bad looking. A few spots here and there. This is a retirement apartment building for 65 and up. The carpets look to be in good condition and vacuumed regularly.

Will be faxing my bid for this in a couple days.

What would you bid per sf? Am thinking $0.12

Am thinking about offering deodorizer for about $0.3 sf ?



Rick Gelinas

Re: Not bad

August 24 2009, 11:52 AM 

Your prices sound fair Jon.

And you experience on this one shows the wisdom of checking things out for yourself. If you had based your decision on the fuzzy information you were able to procure online, you might have missed a good paying job. Sometimes the somewhat limited information we can get from the internet can turn out be a hindrance rather than a help. Glad to hear you pursued this one happy.gif

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Do or Die
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