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Bidding on a job?

September 8 2009 at 3:32 PM

I have to bid on a job where I can use the Cimex, but then there are area's where I will need to HWE since I am not dragging that monster up and around some 30 steps.
It is an office done once per year.

I don't have the sq ft. yet.

What should I bid,
Cimex 16 cents
HWE 28 - 30 cents



Re: Bidding on a job?

September 8 2009, 7:39 PM 


There are many factors you will use in bidding on a job. But before I even get into that, which im sure others will follow, If you can Cimex each floor go for it.

It is worth paying someone ten bucks an hour just to help you carry her up the stairs. You will save a ton of time, providing of course the carpet doesn't need to be flushed. ( do you have a small rotary machine? that can work as well.)

What I have done to factor the cost of my bids, and my price is reflective of my Geographical location and competition:

* Square footage of Heavily soiled area, and the time to clean it,
* Square footage of Moderate to Light soiled areas, and the time to clean those.
* Spills, etc.
* Compare the time it will take to what I want to make per hour.

I find that even offering low prices of under .15c will bring me well over $200 an hour in normal conditions. I just had a job with Light soiling for 4,000SF and a community room with heavily soiling and spills (only 600SF) I charged .10c for the Light areas and flat rate of $150 for the community room. The entrance we charged $75. $625 total.

We were done in 2hrs 45 min. load up to load out. Another ten to chat up the maintenance guy who was beyond amazed. Hope that helps.


Re: Bidding on a job?

September 9 2009, 1:04 AM 

To add to the above. Don't be afraid to ask what they were projecting as a possible budget. Some will say they have no clue and you can then work your math and numbers over. Some will be expecting very very cheap and some may expect a resonable rate.

This simple question can take alot of leg work out of the equation for you. If you know they expect rates that you know you simply can not turn a profit on then you can easily pass on the job. On the other hand if you find out their expectations are higher then you can price accordingly and provide them with a better job as well.

Just my .02.

Current Topic - Bidding on a job?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS