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Need help on a maintenance contract bid...please!

September 21 2009 at 6:13 PM

Joe DeSouza  

I put in a bid for a large call center, for a cleaning every 3 months...they called me today and asked if that included spotting on the in-between months...I told them that it does NOT include spotting on the interim months, but I will get back to them with another quote if need be.

Question#1: So how do I figure how to price this? They just installed the carpet a month ago and there are already spill stains...This will be my FIRST contract bid, so thats why i'm confused...

#2) Do I go spot clean whenever they call, or do I go lets say once a month and spend an hour spotting? I'm not sure if they think they just call and I run out as many times as needed to spot - that would be crazy! PLUS the job is 45 min from me so that doesnt seem feasable...

#3) so lets say, for example, its once a month, do I just figure it would take me, lets say 1hr cleaning + travel time and figure that in? (In this case $150ish x 12?)

I appreciate any advice! This may lead into other contracts w/in this co. so I dont want to blow it or sound like I dont know what i'm talkin' about!



Don Eldred

Re: Need help on a maintenance contract bid...please!

September 21 2009, 7:28 PM 

Call centres will drive you mad. We clean one and there is no end to the spills---coffee--pop--juice. See if they are willing to look at a contract that includes monthly cleaning of all traffic areas, and a complete clean every 3 months.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Need help on a maintenance contract bid...please!

September 24 2009, 6:22 AM 

I agree with Don. Call centers bring a new meaning to barnyard animals. You'll have more spills than you've ever seen before. So plan your spot cleaning service accordingly. And remember our special trick for removing spill stains...

Charging by the hour should work fine, but be sure to pad it somewhat, because you will always have a higher level of spill stains than you'd normally expect.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Need help on a maintenance contract bid...please!
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