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Installed my Cimex wheel kit

October 4 2009 at 11:38 PM
Dave Rampage  

I purchased the Cimex wheel kit from Rick and WOW, it's like pushing a feather. With those bearings in the wheels they roll like you wouldn't believe and it turns without any effort too.

I haven't used it you but can't wait to.

Thanks Rick



Rick Gelinas

Re: Installed my Cimex wheel kit

October 5 2009, 9:29 AM 

Kewl Beans!

Glad to hear you like 'em happy.gif

Rick Gelinas


Re: Installed my Cimex wheel kit

October 5 2009, 3:20 PM 

same here Dave. and it does turn and wheel super smooth now.

if you have an older, beat-up cimex, the wheels probably dont push as easy as they used to. mine didnt.

this lead to some fatigue on those huge jobs. piece of cake now! a great little investment imo.

for going up steps i love it. my 14" air-filled tires were a hair easier going up stairs, but they were also more dangerous on the "ride" down, as it was too easy to get away from you!

Ades Gros

Re: Installed my Cimex wheel kit

October 6 2009, 11:44 AM 

Oh yes i posted a couple of weeks ago after i put my set on. What a difference great job Rick


Rick Gelinas

Great job Drew

October 6 2009, 4:06 PM 

Glad you guys like your new wheels. And thanks for thanking me Ades. But I'm afraid I need to give credit where credit is due. The wheel kit design was actually the brainchild of Drew. So in all fairness, we really need to say "great job Drew". Enjoy your Big Boy wheels!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Installed my Cimex wheel kit
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