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October 8 2009 at 3:00 PM

Want to get into encapsulating. I have a truckmount and barley started my business. Although I have been cleaning for a while with hot water extraction,I have never done encap. What are the advantages to using the cimex or other encap methods? What is a good price to charge (residential vs comercial)? Could I use a 175 and with what kind of pad to get buy while I save some cash for a cimex?
Thanks for your response and for your help.
Much appreciated.


Re: Newb

October 8 2009, 4:03 PM 

Rick has it all spelled out on his BB, down to the hundredth of a cent. Read it.

Ades Gros

Re: Newb

October 8 2009, 4:23 PM 


Yes you can use a 175 . Years ago when i first seen encap or a cimex in action. I used my rx-20 with the pad driver adp on it and started encaping. No its not as fast or as good of a cimex. I used the 15" pads rick sells. I didn't use it in resd a lot mostly comm glued down. But i did have some empty apts i used it in with good results. I used the rx-20 for while till i bought a cimex.

This message has been edited by carpetmagic on Oct 8, 2009 4:25 PM




October 8 2009, 5:53 PM 

Yes you can use a 175 with solution tank and white floor pads and get great results. You should be able to do about 1500 sq ft an hour with your 175. Get a few pails lined up and have someone keep them hot & filled for you. Price depends how cheap people are in your area,,,prices range from cheap .10 sq ft to .20 sq ft. No wick backs on commercial with encap. Follow the mixing directions and you should have no problem. Residential I use Encap-Basic and you can still HWE afterwards.

Fred Gruber

Re: Newb.

October 9 2009, 7:08 AM 

I got started with a rotary for encap before getting a Cimex and did just fine. I now have another guy doing the same. He helps me on some larger accounts. Eventually, he is going to get a Cimex (hopefully soon so I can get more done faster).

Al Taylor


October 9 2009, 7:21 PM 

You have another guy using a rotary in commercial or resi? A rotary is pretty risky in the resi if one is just beginning. It an snatch away and kill a glass table. In the commercial its not so bad, you have plenty of room to work with and less fragiles to worry about.

This message has been edited by myalexis on Oct 9, 2009 7:22 PM

Bill Martins


October 9 2009, 6:58 PM 

If the cimex doesn't fit the budget right now, see if any of your competitors or supply stores rent them. This is what i did. This way you can still provide a great job for clients, use Rick's products, and eventually save for the cimex.

I use our 175 only for stone and hardwood, prefer the cimex.

Fred Gruber

Re: Equipment

October 10 2009, 5:36 AM 

Al-The guy does rotary encap on commercial. He knows how to use it carefully. He does HWE on the residential, like I do.

Current Topic - Newb
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