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YouTube Video of the Cimex & Releasit

October 10 2009 at 11:43 AM

Rick Gelinas  

I've been at the ISSA show in Chicago this week. The show was great! It's a super-sized show for the entire cleaning industry. I was in the Cimex booth. We shot a quick video featuring the Cimex and Releasit. Here it is...

Rick Gelinas


school bus yellow

October 10 2009, 12:13 PM 

Like your sharp outfit right down to the Rockports, nice booth too. You are a class act my friend.

Al Taylor

Re: school bus yellow

October 10 2009, 5:51 PM 

great Job! One has to be in pretty good shape to lean that yeallow beast back with one hand and demonstrate how the rotating heads work with the other for as long as you did.

Joe M

Damm you Rick

October 11 2009, 9:40 AM 

You get to have all the fun.

I would kill to be in your shoes. Of course they would need to be a 14w.

Nice video.

Cant wait to buy my 4th Cimex.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Damm you Rick

October 14 2009, 3:04 PM 

I did notice that Cimex had the little wheels not the cool smooth wheels Drew came up with. You need to get Cimex on board with the new wheels. Also, you always do a great job of adding humor to things. At the end of the video when it said the Cimex was playing itself was classic Rick. Loved it. Keep up the good work my friend.

Kevin Pearson

Thomas Owens

Re: YouTube Video of the Cimex & Releasit

October 15 2009, 2:37 PM 

Great video Rick!

I sure hope Cimex is taking good care of you. You've given their machine new life!

I guess it's probably a mutually beneficial arrangement.

I agree with the previous poster. That Cimex looks like a toy in your hands. Are you sure you weren't using a specially designed 30lbs. unit?


Rick Gelinas

Re: YouTube Video of the Cimex & Releasit

October 16 2009, 7:43 AM 

LOL The Cimex IS a toy in my hands!

It's really not hard to handle - I assure you if this old guy can whip it around - anyone can :-0

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - YouTube Video of the Cimex & Releasit
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS