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October 19 2009 at 5:11 PM

Well I am finally getting a smart phone (smarter then me probably) because old faithful finally crapped out! I would really like to get my schedule portable. I use clean exec but I am not handing out the $$$$ to upgrade. I use quickbooks pro. I need something to use on the road - any suggestions? I used to have QB customer mgr but it seemed pretty lame. It would be nice to book an appointment and be able to pull up cust history etc. Any suggestions?


Re: PDA's

October 19 2009, 5:37 PM 

If you are looking to do scheduling on PDA the only real choice I have seen that works is Soft Serv.

This one may also work


Re: PDA's

October 19 2009, 6:04 PM 

I don't really want to go web based - just be able sched some stuff then sync it all up when I get back. It would be nice to use it with quickbooks somehow.


Re: PDA's

October 20 2009, 1:24 PM 

Microsoft Active Sync I have been using it for 5 years on a Dell Axim PDA syncs Outlook contacts and Calender you can also add word and excel files and more and its FREE

Rick VanderKoy

Re: PDA's

October 22 2009, 10:23 AM 

The IPhone has an app called Log Me In that allows you to see your desktop computer, so whatever scheduling software you have on it can be used remotely as if you were sitting in your office. I'm still trying to get used to typing on the screen, but it's much better than the older models, bigger keys now.


Re: PDA's

October 23 2009, 7:50 AM 

Can't use an iPhone - no signal where I live! Trying the BlackBerry right now.

Current Topic - PDA's
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