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Complimentary GIFT To All Cleaners!

November 25 2009 at 1:18 PM
Tre Allen  

I am not selling anything so this shouldnt go along the lines as advertising.

I would like to give all Encapboard members a complimentary gift for the winter season to help promote your business for FREE, no catch no hidden agenda.

Click Here: Free Business Blogs That MAKE Your Phone Ring!

It includes the following

Complimentary Professional Business Blog that "will make your phone ring" and pull in many leads from the internet!
So hurry up and grab your subdomain before your competition does! Example: CarpetCleaningCity TileCleaningCity WaterRestorationCity and etc. because consumers will be using this site to find professionals in their area soon!

Complimentary Business Internet Blast to ALL your local areas you service in if you signup before December 15th 2009!

Complimentary Search Engine Optimization plugins!

Complimentary themes!

What's the catch? There is none!

This message has been edited by truckmount on Nov 25, 2009 1:26 PM


What's the catch? There is none! ?????????

November 25 2009, 3:01 PM 

"if you signup before December 15th 2009! "

Hasta la Vista

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Nov 25, 2009 5:37 PM


Re: What's the catch? There is none! ?????????

November 25 2009, 3:37 PM 

shorty, thats only for the search engine blast as thats a gift to the first signups.

after that date, everything is still free except for the seo blasts as it costs money on our end.

this is a gift.

glad you care happy.gif

Carpet Cleaning Forum-

Carpet Cleaning Training/Marketing Videos:



November 25 2009, 3:41 PM 

Carpet Cleaning Foru

Carpet Cleaning Training/Marketing Video

Another "anonymous"

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Nov 25, 2009 5:37 PM

Tre Allen


November 25 2009, 5:00 PM 

thats my signature, forgot to put in my name at the top when creating a message.

Shorty, I love you too! happy.gif

Carpet Cleaning Forum-

Carpet Cleaning Training/Marketing Videos:


My apologies

November 25 2009, 5:30 PM 

I have nothing against your tendencies or preferences, however, I am a happily married heterosexual and, as such, do not love you.

Once more, just a few minutes ago, I have re-sent another request to have my details removed from your system.

This has been made possible with the new (to me) deletion of email notification section at the bottom of your email.

If this request is complied with & I receive no further contact from you, then this shall be my last communication with you on any forum, electronic media or otherwise.



PS ::: M.A.Y.C.G.I.T.A.K.Y.D.D.D.

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Nov 25, 2009 5:37 PM

Current Topic - Complimentary GIFT To All Cleaners!
EncapBoard Guidelines: 
This forum has been provided by Excellent Supply Inc for sharing information about encapsulation cleaning technology and the business of commercial carpet cleaning.  
Excellent Supply Inc and its agents assume no responsibility for the accuracy of information displayed on this message board. You alone are responsible for any repercussions resulting from information posted here. Content posted on this message board may be used or published by Excellent Supply Inc. 
(1) Unauthorized advertising, promotion of rival products/brands, or listing items for sale without consent will not be permitted. 
(2) No profane, vulgar or abusive speech will be tolerated. Your privilege of posting may be blocked if you flame, use profanity, or are disrespectful. 
(3) We reserve the right to delete any post and block any  individual that we feel is inappropriate. 
(4) This forum is politically and religiously neutral, so please avoid discussing those subjects here.
(5) Maintain a good sense of humor! But keep it clean.
You are a guest here so we invite you to please post respectfully. Enjoy!

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