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I am being put to the test. HELP

December 16 2009 at 1:19 AM

Have the opporunity to get a VERY large commercial account that would include all of Washington State, and if it goes good with WA, i would get all of the west coast....

And guess what it comes down too....

A Hallway of commercial glue down that isn't incredibly dirty to the naked eye- And I cannot reach with my truck mount. So it's all going to come down to ENCAP.

So my question for you is, if you were being tested on this hallway on being awarded a very large account based on the results, what would be your exact chemical of choice, method of choice, and complete process of choice.

Thank you.

( Remember, I cannot reach with my machine so encap is only option )

Ben Surdi
NW Green Clean


Tell me.........

December 16 2009, 3:50 AM 

Tell me who the client is.

Help me get a green card, and I'll be over there to tell you. wink.gif happy.gif

In the meantime, I would definately go with releasit DS.

But then again, I'm biased.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

David Hebert

Re: I am being put to the test. HELP

December 16 2009, 5:08 AM 

I would first figure out how you were going to profitably service the areas that might be serviced if you get the contracts

Make sure everything is in writing. Figure out what chemicals are certified green that you can use with equipment that can reach where need to do the work since you are pushing that aspect in your company.

Cleaning that hall way is a snap though using encap DS Punch
Trashed or a number of products with a Cimex, rotary Orbot or CBM.

Good luck to you


Al Taylor

Re: I am being put to the test. HELP

December 16 2009, 6:43 AM 

You are happy with the results you get with your green solution already and it seems if you had a choice you would HWE the hallway. If it ain't broke don't fix it. With an account that big, have you concidered buying a porty for the hallway? Certainly 2000 dollars wouldn't leave no dent in the pocket.

This message has been edited by myalexis on Dec 16, 2009 6:47 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: I am being put to the test. HELP

December 16 2009, 7:21 AM 

I agree with what Shorty said...

"I would definately go with releasit DS.

But then again, I'm biased."

Releasit Encap-Clean DS WILL knock the ball out of the park. If it's heavily soiled, take your time and make an extra dry pass or two. Make sure that you don't over-wet the carpet, just apply a single wet pass, and then let the chemical and the agitation do the job for you.

Releasit Encap-Clean DS would be the perfect choice for what you're describing.

Rick Gelinas


Re: I am being put to the test. HELP

December 16 2009, 10:55 AM 

Thanks Rick,

I need to get a Cimex... do you finance them if i put $500 down or something?

Ben Surdi
NW Green Clean


Rick Gelinas

Re: I am being put to the test. HELP

December 16 2009, 11:08 AM 

We have a few options. 1. We obviously take all forms of credit cards. 2. We have a 90 day interest free finance program. 3. We have also have a nice leasing program.

If you're thinking about a Cimex, you might wanna jump on it now, because we have a killer year-end sale going on the Cimex package - till the end of the month. Call for pricing. I can't post the price online, but you can save hundreds off the regular list price happy.gif

Rick Gelinas

Thomas Owens

Re: I am being put to the test. HELP

December 16 2009, 1:27 PM 

Definitely DS and Cimex. This situation is perfect for that combo. I would and have put that combo up against others any day.

Darren Darner


December 16 2009, 1:48 PM 

Releasit DS is the ticket with a Cimex for sure. If you need to prespray, we spray down a little mixed punch in the traffic areas & then Cimex with DS. Awesome!!



Re: I am being put to the test. HELP

December 16 2009, 9:14 PM 

If it is indeed trashed, consider the following:

Pre scrub a killer detergent (cimex is the best scrubber), dwell, rent a porty if you have to, flush & flush.

Follow up bonnet to absorb what you can, fan it, get it dry.

Next: Cimex & DS with some Punch pre spray.

This has worked wonders for some badly soiled carpets. Be sure to charge accordingly!!


Kevin Pearson

Re: I am being put to the test. HELP

December 17 2009, 6:57 AM 

We have had these types of situations before and the Cimex / Releasit DS combo works great in these situations.



Re: I am being put to the test. HELP

December 17 2009, 10:39 PM 

Cimex with Releasit DS and forget about anything else!

Current Topic - I am being put to the test. HELP
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS