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Coming soon >>>> Replacing Cimex wheels with BIG WHEELS

December 29 2009 at 1:16 AM

If all goes well within the next couple of hours, and the rain holds off, I will post some very helpful advice for those that have seen the light. wink.gif

What I thought would be a simple job, turned out to be a different animal. sad.gif

Having said that, I would like to clarify that statement with the release that not all machines will behave in the same manner that mine did. happy.gif



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif



December 29 2009, 4:55 AM 

It's hit the fan..................

After nearly five years of neglect, the small cast box that the height adjustment shaft screws into, has frozen itself to the axle.

How something can freeze in the tropics has got me, especially in this day & age of global warming.

Sprayed some moisture displacement fluid onto it and left it for a few hours with no improvement.

So the wheels went back on, connected the shaft again, and put Big Yella back in the van for several thousand metres of carpet tomorrow.

Looks like I may have to break out the hot axe, ( oxy acetylene ) over the next couple of days and apply a bit of heat to it.

This should make for some pics that'll warm the hearts of those up around the Canuck border. wink.gif



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Rick Gelinas

Re: Hhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm

December 29 2009, 6:29 AM 

Yep, the stock Cimex axle is made of steel with a zinc coating. The stock axle can corrode over time, and sometimes it will get entirely stuck to the tee piece that connects the adjusting rod to the axle.

That's one of the benefits of the Big Boy wheel kit. The wheel kit has a solid stainless steel axle. So there's no way the axle can ever get corroded again. So once you've upgraded the wheel kit, you will not only enjoy the smooth rolling wheels, you'll also have a much nicer axle. happy.gif

Shorty, make sure you unthread the adjusting rod from the tee piece, before you try to remove the axle. Then soak the tee piece with WD40. After that, you'll need to tap on the tee piece to get it to slide freely on the axle.

Avoid smacking directly on the end of the axle with a hammer, because you can flatten (mushroom) the end of the axle, and then it won't slide through the arms of the machine. You can use blocks of wood to protect the axle from damage - and then you can safely smack the axle.

It's really not a complicated process to replace the axle. But the corrosion of the stock axle on an old machine can sometimes make it a challenge. Once you get the axle unstuck - the rest of the axle/wheel-kit replacement will go smoothly.

Take your time and gently persist to get that old axle free. The new stainless steel axle and the Big Boy wheels will be the reward for your efforts! Yer gonna be a happy boy once you get Big Yella rolling along with the new wheel kit.

Oh, and please contact us if you need assistance. You can always contact Drew at our office. He's great with technical stuff. His e-mail is --- drew at excellent-supply dot com

Hang in there bud!

Rick Gelinas



December 29 2009, 3:50 PM 

Ta Rick,
yes Sir, I undid that shaft all the way so she was blowing loose in the wind.

But that dang Tee piece was fixed as hard and fast as a Tasmanian oyster to a rock.

Here's a piece that I had written up, (minus the photos) that was to be posted later for anyone contemplating the change.

Cimex Big Wheel Replacement

So youve finally seen the light and decided to do the right thing, eh??

Youre going to replace those tiny eight inch hard wheels on your Mex; with larger ones.

Heres some tips that may prove helpful and save you some time & some cussin

I bought my Mex; in February 2005, which is nearly five years ago.

Although I had replaced the wheels with twelve inch wheels, the original axle was left intact.

With the new ten inch wheels, a stainless steel axle comes with the wheels.

Getting the old axle out may prove troublesome if you have had yours in use for a few years.

What I found was, at the lower end of the height adjustment shaft, this screws into a cast box, which goes around the axle.

Over time, this had become frozen onto the axle with rust/corrosion/whatever.

So about a week or so before you are ready to swap the axles over, I would suggest spraying this cast box and axle with some moisture displacement such as CRC, etc;

This will give it time to loosen any problem areas. With luck.

When you are ready, sit the head with the three drive boards flat on the ground.

Have someone hold the solution tank forward over the motor.

Having an empty solution tank makes this easier and lighter, as well as drier.

Loosen the retaining nut at the base of the height adjustment shaft.

Release the height adjustment lever at the top of the shaft.

Unscrew the height adjustment shaft from the cast box.


If all is well, remove the hub caps, wheels and axle as well as the cast box.


With one Big Wheel already on the stainless steel axle, slide this through one support arm across towards the other support arm.

Place the cast box on the axle, then push the axle all the way across to the other side and through the opposite support arm.

Place the other Big Wheel on the axle with the washer and circlip.

Screw the height adjustment shaft into the cast box, and tighten the retaining nut.

Push the shaft to the desired height and lock it into place.

Feel the difference & be amazed at the ease with which you can now work.

Please feel free to make any adjustment you feel warranted ( or delete happy.gif )



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Mark Anthony

Global warming?

January 3 2010, 1:23 AM 

It is colder here where I live than the usual. As a matter of fact I have to take the Cimex indoors so it will not freeze. I have not taken it in in the last fours years. I call it "Global Colding"
This has been the hardest time for cleaning carpets here where I live in the last five years. I have tried to do the hitting the streets and people will not clean when it is cold just as they drive when there is a little snow or ice on the ground. Theye will not come out, burrr to cold to open their doors. I am still out there though.

Thanx :~}
Mark Anthony

Afterglow Carpet Care

Current Topic - Coming soon >>>> Replacing Cimex wheels with BIG WHEELS
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS