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Commission or not, that is the question.....

January 2 2010 at 7:36 PM
Mark Anthony 

Question for all you Entrepreneurs. I am a one man operation and sometimes when I get big places like churches and big book stores I have my buetiful wife help me. She is my best partner in this wolrd.

Question: I was thinking of hiring a salesperson of some type to hit the streets for me as my Carpet Cleaning Business. I can not afford to pay that person any money as an employee or base pay. Do you or anybody you now have someone do the ground work from door to door and give them only commission and if you do how much commission is a righteous amount? I do not want knock down my prices because of the economy, actually I was needing to raise my prices. I am already to low as to begin with.


Thanx :~}
Mark Anthony

Afterglow Carpet Care



Re: Commission or not, that is the question.....

January 2 2010, 10:31 PM 

Consider hiring someone to train to clean for you and then you go out and land the jobs. This is a relationship business and if you pay someone else to debelop those relationships it could cost you down the road.

Things are different for large businesses, but as an owner/operator you want to maintain control of your accounts.

Mark Anthony

Great advice

January 3 2010, 1:29 AM 

Thank you. I guess I really do not heve the trust yet for someone to run my machine. I worked for the public schools here and people donot take care of other peoples machines. I guess I should think the same same for Business aye?

Thanx :~}
Mark Anthony

Afterglow Carpet Care

David Hebert

Re: Great advice

January 3 2010, 8:06 AM 

The Key is to hire the rite person for what ever position you are searching for.

There are good people around in every section of the planet finding them and implementing proper training is KEY.

Look at Ricks staff for instance, one would bet that many in his area have made the same comments about hiring that were made above, yet the staff at Excellent Supply are top notch.

Do you think the people Mr G hires for Kleen Step are similar?

Excuses are abound and stop one from success.


Current Topic - Commission or not, that is the question.....
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