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Rotary/OP encap/bonnet

January 10 2010 at 12:59 AM

Hi, I first would like to introduce myself. I'm new to C/C & upholstery. I have invested in the Von Schrader system LMX / Spirit. I would like to add a Rotary or OP. I do have a small CCS blue OP 15" which i did try for the first time a few weeks ago with Rick Releasit and a fiber plus pad for encap and also a glad pad for paddding it work great (totally impressed). I also rented a 175 rpm to clean some granite and it worked pretty good, although wished it a a 300 rpm option to go over with a buffing pad. My question is i was thinking of buying a 175/300 swing machine now or wait and buy an OP later (Orbot)I like the rotary 2 speed because I think is so versatile but I was thinking would it be better just to wait for the OP, is the cleaning that much better on carpets with an OP to justify the wait and higher cost. I would like to also clean/scrub floor tile, refinish floor with that no sanding product and was thinking of putting a carpet brush for resi and follow with the LMX if neccessary or use that napper brush with the bonnet in the middle and Releasit DS. Basically trying to put a system together in conjuction with the LMX. I also see a Cimex in my future just not now. Any Ideas/comments would be appreciated.

David Hebert

Re: Rotary/OP encap/bonnet

January 10 2010, 10:15 AM 

While I may take some heat for this, I would get a 175/300 speed buffer first then move up. This is what I did and still use that buffer a lot 13 years later.

for a little over a thousand you can get a 175/300 please get the 20 inch and triple planetary gears, you can do multiple surfaces and put money aside specialty/ higher end tool while learning the trade.

I love my Orbot and so glade I have it, but sometimes I just need my buffer. Taken care of a buffer will last a long time 13 years with mine and I do not see my Orbot lasting any where near that.

Please think where you want to go long term and start planing for that now, many people buy things and three months later sell it off because they did not think everything through.



Good advice!

January 10 2010, 2:52 PM 

Thanks for the response, good advice. I was thinking along the same lines. I also want to do due diligence went it comes to buying equipment, you know is hard when you start beacause you want to buy every peice of equipment, I must admit that lack of experience plays a big role in it.

Would you advice on a 20" for Resi/commercial, I was thinking a 17" dual speed would be easier, like i posted i rented the 17" single and really liked the size, i was able to clean between large objects without a problem ( this is major drawback on the Von Schrader) I think the rotary is a good starting point to encap/bonnet. I also would like to get some training on polishing marble.

I'm sure with your experience you cleaned T&G with your Rotary, what is your process and what results do you get, also do you have a tank on yours and used a shower feed with a brush for encap ? Thanks for the reply, I appreciate the feed back.


Current Topic - Rotary/OP encap/bonnet
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS