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Finding qualified commercial leads to mail to.

January 11 2010 at 12:40 AM

Through using the yellow pages or white pages reverse search you can find the ph numbers and addresses or every business in your area in order to call and ask to send info to the DM.

But is there a way in which you have found works best to screen out the smaller facilities with little to no carpet or tile?

Many commercial places you have never heard of and you do not know if they are mom and pop shops or large buildings. And some of the commercial have large warehouses with only 500 sf of carpet up front.

Do any of you ask qualifying questions on the phone before you send out your valuable information? If so would you mind sharing?



This message has been edited by MikeLewthwaite on Jan 11, 2010 2:56 AM
This message has been edited by MikeLewthwaite on Jan 11, 2010 2:24 AM
This message has been edited by MikeLewthwaite on Jan 11, 2010 1:23 AM
This message has been edited by MikeLewthwaite on Jan 11, 2010 12:47 AM

Geoff Alger

Re: Finding qualified commercial leads to mail to.

January 11 2010, 3:21 AM 


Why not have a drive around the area you work in.

Take a notepad or video camera and make a note of the buildings you can target. Taking someone with you will make things easier.

That way you can avoid the smaller premises or ones with access problems.


Re: Finding qualified commercial leads to mail to.

January 11 2010, 3:27 AM 

This is definitely an option but not my first. It would take quite a bit of time to ride through every area of my territory and personally note every supposedly qualifying commercial business on every main, side, and industrial street.

If I can simply find them in the yellow pages and qualify them that way then this would save time and money.

Also I have found that many times exteriors are deceptive. Sure there are 'obvious' ones but there are also many that you wouldnt think have much carpet or tile but do and also the other way around.





January 11 2010, 4:07 AM 


This message has been edited by MikeLewthwaite on Jan 11, 2010 11:47 PM

Current Topic - Finding qualified commercial leads to mail to.
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