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Carpet Repair Pricing

January 14 2010 at 2:39 AM
Mark Anthony 

I am adding carpet repair to my CC business. I have repaired carpets and have been doing minor repair jobs here and there. It seems like many of my customers have tears, cigarette burns etc... I want to offer to repair them but do not know how to charge. I do not want to look stupid and say a low price or a high price. How do you charge?

Thanx :~}
Mark Anthony

Afterglow Carpet Care

Don Eldred

Re: Carpet Repair Pricing

January 14 2010, 2:27 PM 

Not too many repairs are the same. A good friend of mine made a very good living at doing only repairs to carpet and hard surface flooring. If you are really good at it you can name your price, and I would suggest it is by the hour. My friend seldom ever gave a price ahead of time other than his hourly fee.


carpet repairs

January 16 2010, 12:43 AM 

We do cpt repairs every day . We have a 125.00 min that will do 2 or 3 small repairs . Today I just bid two jobs (carpet repairs ) both totaling 850.00 for the 2 jobs, that will take 2 guys 3-4 hrs including drive time.

Mark Anthony

How is that?

January 16 2010, 12:44 PM 

What exactly are you doing for that amount of money and what 2 or 3 areas do you do? Let's say a custy calls and has drug a piano across the carpet and one leg tore through the carpet about 4 inches and then they picked up the piano and did it again pulling another 4 inches. The carpet fibers are yanked out. I am going to have to remove about 1 foot by 2 feet and replace. What would you charge for something like that? Just to get an idea so I can learn pricing. I have not quoted the custy yet. I will be doing that Monday.

Thanx :~}
Mark Anthony

Afterglow Carpet Care



January 16 2010, 8:55 PM 

I'm new at C/C, but I'll treat that like you would treat dye repairs per hour $60-$75 per hour, just guess how much time is going to take and charge accordingly. You may not make as much as you want in the first couple of jobs, but then you'll have a reference. Is hard for someone to say how much to charge since every job like these is different from the next.

Current Topic - Carpet Repair Pricing
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