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Restaurants: Do you clean under booths? How?

January 14 2010 at 2:49 PM
Mike Lewthwaite 

Some restaurants have booths with poles at the end or other tight spots that wont allow you to clean them with the 19" cimex.

How have you encapsulators tackled these challenges.



Don Eldred

Re: Restaurants: Do you clean under booths? How?

January 14 2010, 4:21 PM 

Whoops--- That is where a scrub wand works best, unfortunately it does not connect to a Cimex, may need to HWE


Kevin Pearson

The same

January 14 2010, 5:48 PM 

We have done the same as Don suggested. We just brought the truck mount to the job and had one guy cleaning under the booth tables and one guy running the Cimex. The only problem with that is if you are the guy running the Cimex then the HWE guy seems to always be in your way, since you can go way faster than him.

Thomas Owens

Re: Restaurants: Do you clean under booths? How?

January 14 2010, 7:43 PM 

I use an Oreck Orbiter for those tight spots.


To get down & under, ya gotta getta guy from down under

January 15 2010, 3:53 AM 

Here we go again folks.

Think outside of the box a bit.

Here is what I would use.

First of though, anyone that knows me, may also know that I'm fanatical about protecting the implements that put the bread & butter on my table.

Hence, a lot of my work toys are kept in secure boxes.

The first pic shows my toy box along with the two extension poles on my favourite spotting chemicals.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

Second pic shows my toys as it is transported.

Note the adpator plate along the bottom of my toy.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

Third pics shows the working end.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

Fourth pic shows the unique adaptor that allows the different length handles to fit onto my toy.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

Last pic shows the two handles and also the two different ways that they can be fitted to my toy.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

To do under the booths as asked, I would do my normal pre service, vac; & spray encap;

I would then fit the longer bar, start my toy up, and proceed to orbital clean the carpet.

When doing stairs, the same principle applies.

Vac; & spray encap;

With the longer bar fitted, walk up the stairs cleaning the riser.

At the top, switch to the shorter bar and come back down cleaning the treads and edge.

Little bending and certainly not back breaking for an older citizen. wink.gif


Shortestsmartwun. wink.gif

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

David Hebert

Re: To get down & under, ya gotta getta guy from down under

January 15 2010, 6:52 AM 

I use either a wall washer pad on a doodle bug or a scrub pad on the doodle bug

Thomas Owens

Re: To get down & under, ya gotta getta guy from down under

January 15 2010, 2:40 PM 

Shorty, that is so cool! I love the "Orbot Micro" sticker.

Do you like that tool better than little Mac on stairs? Is it to prescrub only or to remove soil as well on residential steps?


Rick Gelinas

Easy as 1 2 3

January 16 2010, 5:05 PM 

1. Slide out the tables.

2. Clean the space between the booths where the tables had been.

3. Slide the tables back in.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 17, 2010 11:47 PM


Re: Easy as 1 2 3

January 17 2010, 12:42 AM 

Shorty has it bang on !

you can get little cotton bonnets for the Hos Micro happy.gif

miniature OP wins every time

...if its fixed table legs of course

Current Topic - Restaurants: Do you clean under booths? How?
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