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Black mark of the rubber wheel

January 17 2010 at 9:19 PM

I got a call from a building manager. There is a long track of black mark on the carpet in the hallway. Its caused by a dolly which has one wheel doesnt turn. There were heavy stuff on the dolly to move.

I dont think there is any grease in it. Most of it should be rubber.
I tried to clean with HWE. It became lighter but is still visible.

Hope to get some advice on how the black mark can be removed.

Thanks in advance.



January 17 2010, 9:49 PM 

Hi Jason,
I would try to use a P.O.G then follow up with a Volatile solvent and blot, then use a detergent solution and blot,water and blot. I don't know how long the mark is and it can be labor intensive, but if you don't remove it properly it will attract dirt easily and resoil repidly, hope this helps. Also keep in mind that olefin is temp sensitive and the wheel could have also burned the carpet.


Don Eldred

Re: Black mark of the rubber wheel

January 18 2010, 8:34 AM 

Most likely you have done the best that can be done. Carpet is melted from the heat caused by the ceased wheel.


Re: Black mark of the rubber wheel

January 18 2010, 6:06 PM 

if it is burned as Don stated, then that is their problem...only patching it will "fix" it.

otherwise, Cimex it. if you wish, pre-spray some 50/50 mixed Releasit/water on it and scrub it out with the 'Mex.

if it is a much lighter colored carpet, mix 2 oz. per gallon of 40 vol into the Cimex sol tank with the Releasit and clean with that.

i never have to use de-greaser's really.


Re: Black mark of the rubber wheel

January 18 2010, 9:03 PM 

if it isn't melted, try some agitation. a hotel we clean quarterly will have these issues, usually only when the carpet is wet. but usually scrubbin with mex and some plus pads does the job for us

Current Topic - Black mark of the rubber wheel
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS