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Why not restaurants

January 18 2010 at 4:35 PM

Hi all. I'm new here so please be kind. I noticed on an earlier post that a lot of you were not thrilled with restaurant carpet cleaning. Could any or all of you chime in and let me know why. What pitfalls might I encounter. Thanks in advance.

JTheGrime Stopper

Don Eldred

Re: Why not restaurants

January 18 2010, 5:28 PM 

Most often it is not worth it, when most restaurants need to be done late in the evening.
We do a few, but these are ones that do not open til lunch, so we can go in early in the morning clean and speed dry.
I would also expect that getting paid is an issue with a lot of us.


Re: Why not restaurants

January 18 2010, 6:00 PM 

I've done a few. i don't mind the hours as much as when i have to move tables / chairs. i am not keen on moving stuff and charge accordingly. i much prefer my 1 quarterly restaurant account which moves everything for me...we're doing it in 4 hours actually.

we Cimex this one with bonnets.

grease-pits get pre-scrubbed with the Cimex and Punch, followed by OPE w/ the Orbot and cotton pads.


Re: Why not restaurants

January 18 2010, 9:01 PM 

Most often resturaunts do NOT want to pay what you ask for cleaning. I have gone through several that will agree to a lower price for more frequent cleaning....and you guessed it they never stick to it.

It is my understanding that the resturaunt buiz is a tough one, and the owners never want to spend money. Other places I have done work for seem to think we are no more than a dishwasher, and should be paid as such.

If you need the money go for it, but every resturaunt I have encountered (w the exception of one, and they went out of buiz) is packed with grease, and when you finally get that layer off, you start to see all the stains, which they expect you to take out as well.

Good luck!

David Hebert

Re: Why not restaurants

January 18 2010, 11:08 PM 

I love restaurants, but they need to have the proper set up to work rite. Most think in side the box when it comes to them, we prefer a different approach to servicing them.

One small tip, most of them have janitorial staff the come in.
setting things up so you only move furniture off the carpet and they do the put back saves lots of time.

You already did much of their work already, them putting stuff backs is a breeze for them.



Re: Why not restaurants

January 18 2010, 11:23 PM 

I love them.

Did one the other day with Enz-All in the Cimex, then rinsed it out. 2 weeks later still looks great. The 3or4 cleanings prior to that we used DS.

Wayne Miller

Re: Why not restaurants

January 19 2010, 11:35 PM 

I've only messed with a few. What I found is they don't want to pay what it's worth. Then, they want a discounted price to clean it monthly but every month "isn't a good time" so it's three, four, five months before it's finally "good" and they still expect the initial monthly price for three, four or five times the grime.

Current Topic - Why not restaurants
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