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RE: Finally did it!

January 27 2010 at 8:48 PM

Joe DeSouza  

Well, I spent almost all day driving around to class-A offices...This is what I learned:

1)IT's a PAIN in the Butt!!! and TIRING!

2)Some big 10 story buildings really don't have a lot of sq. footage in common huge building I went in to had only about 5,500 feet of hallway; I was expecting more when I stood outside looking at the building. (I bring my laser in and measure the hallways)

3) After today, I'm thinking i'm going to make more phone calls and network rather than drive around!

I did get a chance to talk to a property mgr of a mgmt company that owns & manages about 10 huge buildings, but she basically blew me off and said "we have a janitorial co. that does it, and they are under contract"...she did take my flyers, etc. but im sure it ended up in the circular file shortly thereafter. PS: the carpets looked "Fair", you can tell the jansan company is most likely using a walk behind LOL

With that behind me I went to another building management company and the receptionist was very sweet, and gave me the facilities manager's phone & email address...this particular company is double the size of the 1st so i'm happy about that! So I ended the day in a positive note...

Well, I feel a sense of accomplishment, even though after driving around in traffic, etc. I only went to about 8 buildings... I'm just going to keep pushing!

I'm still going to do drive arounds, but am also going to experiment w/ cold calling via telephone, lets see what happens!

PS The initial fear I had b4 doing all this is almost all gone, I feel a lot more confident!



This message has been edited by jodyzuza on Jan 28, 2010 8:47 AM

Al Taylor

Re: RE: Finally did it!

January 29 2010, 2:01 PM 

I did get a chance to talk to a property mgr of a mgmt company that owns & manages about 10 huge buildings, but she basically blew me off and said "we have a janitorial co. that does it, and they are under contract"...she did take my flyers, etc. but im sure it ended up in the circular file shortly thereafter. PS: the carpets looked "Fair", you can tell the jansan company is most likely using a walk behind LOL

Hey Joe, what you said above there is what I experienced as well. I wouldn't write that one off. 10 HUGE BUILDINGS? She may need you in one of them. Things happen in peoples lives that causes them to change their minds. Right now she may not be ready but something may happen with one of the buildings where she may need an advanced commercial carpet specialist. In the meantime you might want to gently keep yourself in her mind by way of glossy flyers and post cards once per month maybe. Then, as Rick Gelinas phrases it, when she gets an itch she'll call you to scratch it. Why? Cause she'll remember that sharp young commercial carpet professional that came in and presented himself. I would send her a letter thanking her for her time and letting her know you are available if she ever needs you. Persistance & patience is key. I'm still awaiting to get an ideal acount!

This message has been edited by myalexis on Jan 29, 2010 2:05 PM

Current Topic - RE: Finally did it!
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