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Post Vacuuming 100% Necessary?

January 31 2010 at 3:44 PM
Ben Surdi  

After we Encap, is it important to vacuum to get a better result or is what you see after encapping- what you get..?

Ben Surdi
NW Green Clean

Fred Gruber

Re: Post Vacuuming 100% Necessary?

January 31 2010, 5:39 PM 

I have them vacuum the next day. We never post vacuum. I did a few times when we first started doing encap and couldn't see a difference.

Some account vacuum before we come, as well


Rick Gelinas

Re: Post Vacuuming 100% Necessary?

January 31 2010, 7:25 PM 

Not necessary in most cases. The vast majority of commercial buildings get vacuumed routinely with at least a halfway decent commercial vacuum cleaner. Therefore the encapsulated soil will continue to be extracted through the ongoing routine of normal day to day vacuuming.

Look at it this way... One or two really good post vacuuming cleanings can recover the bulk of the encapsulated soil. By comparison, 5-10 average quality post vacuuming cleanings can recover the bulk of the encapsulated soil. Or in a worst case scenario, 15 - 20 poor quality post vacuuming cleanings can recover the bulk of the encapsulated soil. --- End result, regardless of what degree of post vacuuming is provided - the encapsulated soil will still be recovered.

And one last thing to keep in mind - the polymer in Releasit resolublizes in water. What does that mean? it means that when the polymer becomes wet again it will dissolve and turn back into a liquid. And then when it dries it will crystallize all over again. Thus the encap process begins anew, hence there's never a risk that a build-up of encapsulated residue could occur.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 31, 2010 7:27 PM


Rick, Technical Question

January 31 2010, 8:47 PM 

Say some one were to HWE some time (month or two) after an encap cleaning. Say the vacuuming was not complete on these encapsulated soils. With the addition of new soil and the current encapsulated soil, will the HWE is done according to visual soiling, cause the old soil to then be redeposited if not extracted at a rate that requires more than "meets the eye".

I'm just curious. Some accounts we do have their own HWE process, but rely on us for a good scrubing that their machines cant do. Case in point is one big hotel we clean. If they arent' removing the encapd soils well enough, do you know if the following HWE will result in soil "dropping" out of encaped state?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Rick, Technical Question

January 31 2010, 9:23 PM 

Matt you asked... "If they arent' removing the encapd soils well enough, do you know if the following HWE will result in soil "dropping" out of encaped state?"

That would be highly improbable. The soil would be vacuumed during the routine of normal vacuuming, as I explained above. And even if it wasn't, the soil could be easily extracted via HWE.

Not a problem.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

Current Topic - Post Vacuuming 100% Necessary?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS