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Wires under carpet - VLM the answer?

February 4 2010 at 4:22 PM

quoting a large facility locally. in some areas they have electrical wiring lying underneath the CGD. the contact said it was wrapped in a "duct-tape" type of insulator...strange. i guess they are doing this to run wiring to some cubicle areas. why they didn't go through the ceiling is beyond me. seems a bit hokey for a big industry company with lots of $

at any rate, his 1st question was, "is this a wet process?" i informed him that all CCing methods use some amount of moisture, but that this was a VLM system.

my question: has anyone CC'ed carpet with electrical wiring under it with VLM, specifically a Cimex?

if so, any problems?

i am thinking this is no problem and i'll be fine, but i promised i would do some research on it 1st.

tx --- Derek happy.gif

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Feb 4, 2010 4:23 PM


Lumps ???

February 4 2010, 5:40 PM 

Crikey, you blokes sure do things funny over there.

Where the cables go under the carpet, are they like a lump under the carpet, or is there a channel in the floor that the cables lay in. ??

If they lay in a channel or depression/groove that leaves the carpet flush on the floor, there should be no problem.

Even if they are laying on top of the floor under the carpet, they should not be a problem as they will not be bare copper wires, but sealed in a plastic compound.

However, if there are any joins with bare wires, you may have a problem.

There, they would be extra bulky and possibly a trip hazard.

Trip as in falling, not as in tripping the electrical circuit. wink.gif

But then again, with an electrical set-up as described, I'm sure it would go against any building, and especially fire + workplace health & safety regulations, to allow such a set-up.

Down under, all wiring under carpet is contained inside a pvc box.

This box sits neatly into a channel that has been cut into the concrete slab, or, if it is a timber floor, the wires are under the timber and come up through designated holes.

Wouldn't it be nice to get the same building regulations across the country. ??


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Kevin Pearson


February 8 2010, 9:52 PM 

The worst was the time we were cutting carpet out of a water damaged house and I cut through and extension cord under the carpet. After I got shocked from the metal knife cutting the cord in half the insured said, "Oh I forgot to tell you about that."

So at least you got told up front.

Current Topic - Wires under carpet - VLM the answer?
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