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Hotel room Desk chairs

February 8 2010 at 4:43 PM

We have about 143 Desk chairs to clean, one in each room. They have fabric on the seat, back & arms.

I haven't had a chance to "inspect" them all, but am assured they are dirty and have stains.

I was pondering using Hydrox 50/50 for this job, along with my buffer and cotton tuways (for Cimex). My concern however is the overspray. Eventhough we will wipe down the chair's wooden areas, through experiance as it drys the Hydrox Always leaves a white residue.

It wont be economical to wipe them all down a second comes the question Which would you use?

Punch, DS, Basic or go it with Hydrox, and what dilution?

These are all synthetic fibers.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Hotel room Desk chairs

February 9 2010, 6:20 AM 

I like your idea. HydrOx is a great choice. You could mix it strong (approx 1:4) , spray it on and use the process you described above. You'll also need some CTI ProSolve gel for the ink stains, etc.

I would wipe the wood fixtures as you go, regardless of which chemical you decide to go with, otherwise the over-spray can damage the wood finish.

Have a helper pre-spray each chair and also wipe the wood after you clean each chair. After a dozen chairs or so, trade jobs with your helper. That will keep your back fresh. Leaning over doing a bunch of chairs begs for a break.

I would price the chairs at $4 - $5 per chair. It's unlikely that they'll want to pay more than that. And once you set up a little assembly line for the chairs, you can zoom through them pretty quick.

Let us know how you make out.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

This message has been edited by cimex on Feb 9, 2010 6:22 AM

Current Topic - Hotel room Desk chairs
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