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Need Help Pricing!

February 9 2010 at 2:15 PM

I am trying to get a local bowling alley on a maintenance program, It is approx 3,000 sq ft of carpet pretty much all open areas. I want to give them a few different prices depending on frequency of cleanings? Ex: 1,2,3,4 times a year. Can you guys tell me where you might be as far as price per sq. ft.? I'm just not sure where to start and how much to discount if they are willing to get it done more often.

Thanks for the help.

David Hebert

Re: Need Help Pricing!

February 9 2010, 3:38 PM 

At 3000 sq ft there in my view is nothing to discount. It will take approximately the same amount of time no matter what due to set up and take down. You will barley get into a rhythm and you will be done.

I would go on how long you think it will take you if you did that job in each scenario. We do some bowling alleys every quarter
it takes the same amount of time from the second time they were done on.




February 9 2010, 4:48 PM 

thanks david. if you don't mind me asking what is your rate per sq. ft. for jobs like that?


Re: thanks

February 10 2010, 1:13 PM 

In my city the quotes they would receive would range $150.00 - $870.00 for the same end result.

Usually somebody under $400.00 would get the biz.




February 10 2010, 5:02 PM 

3,000 sq ft I would charge .173 for a one time cleaning = $520.

Can you clean this place in 1 1/2 hrs? If so charge $240 for 2nd & 3rd cleanings plus add first price & divide by 3. Year total $1,000 & every quarter the payment comes out to $335 but only after they sign a contract for that price. If they try to push you to .10 sq ft then of course total job =$900,,$300 each quarter. I clean a clubhouse which is around 3000 - 3100 sq ft and I get .173. Sell quality not price.



February 11 2010, 12:29 PM 

First, thanks for the input.
So if I have this right, if the customer is willing to commit to 3 cleanings per year, you would basically do 3 times for the price of 2 times at full price, and let your rate fall from .17 to .11 per sq.ft? Is that correct?



Price again Bobby

February 11 2010, 5:34 PM 

Your first cleaning is going to take the longest getting all the spots and soda spills up. Rick's encap should keep it cleaner longer so the next 2 times might not be so bad. So if you have a Cimex and can clean in it about 1 1/2 hrs , then I think $240 is good for that short of time. You got the breakdown right. Maybe they will think that $335 per qtr sounds like a deal to them, but in the end you still can make $1,000. Can you make a profit with that amount? If so make them sign a contract so they are locked into that price.

Second option .173 sq ft 1st time then .153 for the next 2 cleanings =
$1440 total. 1. $520 2. $460 3.$460 add them together & divide by 3 = $480 each cleaning.

Some people will disagree but I can make money at these prices cause I don't have employees. If they are going to be a long term customer I would give them a little break. A one time cleaning then they say they will call you, then No Breaks.

In dec. I bid on a church against ChemD. and I charged .20 @ 1370 sq ft=$274 and got the job. Main reason I got the bid was I pre-tested some of their worst spots and also showed him a couple of videos on my camera of some of my other jobs. Job took 1 1/2 hrs.

David Hebert

Re: Price again Bobby

February 12 2010, 6:26 AM 

You need to charge what it takes for your company turn the % of profit determined to keep your company viable. Since I do not know those #s telling you what I charge is really of no use to your company.

While this may seem arrogant, my message is simply this only you know what your pricing structure should be. If you do not know your cost of doing business find out fast it will be an eye opener.


Current Topic - Need Help Pricing!
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