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HOS and Orbot

February 12 2010 at 3:28 AM

Hi everyone, I have been lurking here for a while and decided it was time to post.

I just noticed that HOS moved recently, anyone know why? I remember they moved about a year or two ago too. Just curious as to the stability of the company, don't want to buy a product that suddenly is unsupported you know.

Also I was wondering if Orbots were available again, I heard they were about a month out, granted that was about 2 weeks ago.

David Hebert

Re: HOS and Orbot

February 12 2010, 6:12 AM 

first it has been my experience dealing with Excellent Supply that they make every effort to deal with solid companies, also if something does go wrong they will make it right if at all possible.

Most times dealing with companies that make specialty equipment lake HOS there is a waiting period from when you order to delivery. Steamin Demon Cross American are other examples.

You may call and find out there is still a month lag time, then again it maybe two weeks.


Drew Canaday

Re: HOS and Orbot

February 12 2010, 9:14 AM 

The HOS company is growing with leaps and bounds! I think they are most likely moving into a bigger location so they can use it
to build the machines more efficiently! When David bought his machine they were 4 to 6 weeks out and custom made upon order! Now they are a little more production line! They aren't cookie cutter though! Each machine is water jet cut, tig welded and assembled by hand! It has been my experience that they make them in groups of 60 machines. If you buy #61 you are going to have to wait until all 60 are built before they will ship. This could take up to a month and then a week for shipping. If you order #30 you will have them machine in about a business week!

Al Taylor

Re: HOS and Orbot

February 12 2010, 12:27 PM 

Where are you located SoCalCleaner? I spoke with Jeff Hruby before he left that location and it don't look like they are leaning anywhere near instability. They were putting together 60 machines right before my eyes. They are tweeking and peaking get all the kinks out. These machines are progressively getting better. Smoother, Quieter than a church-house mouse! They are being upgraded to the max. Jeff is a wonderful guy.

Joe Gilstrap

Re: HOS and Orbot

February 13 2010, 12:27 AM 

I can't imagine this company going under. I have cleaned tens of thousands of sq. ft. with my Orbot in every type of cleaning situation possible and nothing compares to it. The Orbot is so user friendly that other OP machines just don't come close. I have owned several different kinds of OP machines, so I feel qualified to make these statements.

I'm gonna stop here, because I could go on and on.

A true work of art. If Hruby can make one better then I would like to see it.

Current Topic - HOS and Orbot
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