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Funny Orbot Question

February 16 2010 at 10:19 PM

Have you noticed the extra electrical plug underneath the Orbot?

I'm not sure what it's really for, but I've used it to plug in my vacuum and drill.

But what is it really for?



Hot question

February 16 2010, 10:36 PM 

Would it be to plug-in the in-line heater. ??


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


my dumb Q?

February 17 2010, 9:59 AM 

Does it come with an Owners Manual?


What the extra plug is for

February 17 2010, 11:11 AM 

The extra plug was a provision for the future! Over in shorty's town they use 230 and their machines have a heater! The American models have the plug for a heater but with a 1 hp motor and a heater they would pop breakers! Jeff was looking for a heater that would draw less electricity and set the machine up so when he found that diamond in the rough it would be a bolt on option!

Unfortunately that heater still doesn't exists. If you want a heater you would have to step down to a model with a 3/4 horse motor. Jeff does have this model model available but most people would go for the option of a 1 hp motor over a 3/4 hp motor with heat!


heated model

February 19 2010, 7:51 PM 

the heater model does exist !

the model with heat is available here as a friend of mine has one.

its a 1/2 horse model so there is no problem with drawing too much power

side by side the heater out cleans the non heater quite easily, but if like me you do allot of hardfloor cleaning with the orbot you would wand the full 1hp machine

zero problem with the machine, and it creates a ton of heat!
perfect for greasy places !
does not seem to effect the chemical only enhances the cleaning ability!

This message has been edited by TechClean on Feb 19, 2010 7:53 PM

Current Topic - Funny Orbot Question
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