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Orbot Micro AND Tile brush

February 17 2010 at 8:57 PM

Hip or Hype

I really like my Orbot but wonder if the stair tool and tile brush work as well.

Good investment?



Not sure that I understand your question.

February 17 2010, 11:37 PM 

Is this the stair tool you're talking about ???

[linked image]

[linked image]

[linked image]

[linked image]

If it is, then for stairs, YES, it is absolutely BRILLIANT.

I can't comment on the tile bit you ask about as I have not used it like that.

One other thing, for leather and microfiber, it excells. wink.gif



PS :::: I'd value Rambo's opinion on this, he's the greatest.

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Re: Orbot Micro AND Tile brush

February 18 2010, 5:08 PM 

This hand held orbital machine is amazing! It is similar to a car buffer that carpet cleaners have been using for quite some time! HOS has a modified design to make it a true carpet cleaning accessory! It has the versatility to use hand held and now thanks to the handle attachment stairs no longer need to be back breaking work! It can also clean in those pesky tight areas, like under booths!


Orbot Micro AND Tile brush

February 18 2010, 9:03 PM 

Thanks for the replies.


I was asking about the stair tool. I've been doing more encapping and op cleaning in commercial buildings lately and thought it would make a nice addition to the arsenal. I just to make sure it's the cats pajamas before I spend my money. There is no place to try it out.

I also was interested in tile and grout brush that goes on the orbot - if anyone has any personal experience with that.

Thanks again,


Current Topic - Orbot Micro AND Tile brush
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