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February 24 2010 at 12:59 PM

When asked by a prespective client to provide an
MSDS, how can you prevent them from finding out the
exact chems you are using?

My case in point: We did some work for a large
facility (60K SF +) They loved the job we were doing
but ended up requesting an MSDS. We never did work for
them again. 2 years later I visited the site and
chatted with the Maintenance guy (new) who told me
they were using DS. ARGHHH.

Anyways I am faced with another situation where an
MSDS is required.

What can I do???

Don Eldred


February 24 2010, 3:22 PM 

In Ontario we must submit a MSDS sheet to all our commercial clients, we just attach them to our quote, however, we must also have them in our trucks etc .. We can not refuse to produce them when asked.



February 25 2010, 10:22 AM 

I know some "professionals" who just give the wrong msds. got to love these Toronto clowns.

David Hebert


February 24 2010, 3:33 PM 

Give them every MSDS sheet of all the chemicals you could use on a Job

Then they will have to figure out what one you will be using that day. So far so good. I make sure to carry a few encap products Not that we use them all much you see,

This is one reason why doing a demo can kill you sometimes in facilities where they have some in house staff, better to over play your hand and do a dog and pony show.



February 24 2010, 4:53 PM 

Awesome, thanks for the advice.

Ill print out 10 or so and see if that works...

David Hebert


February 24 2010, 6:08 PM 

Just explain some are for spotting some are for cleaning.

Thomas Owens


February 25 2010, 1:56 PM 

Very good advice David! All of us here took years to come up with the specific equipment and chemical combinations that work. Why give it away for free.

I like that dog and trick pony part as well with the equipment.

Current Topic - MSDS
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