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Good hose for Steamin Demon?

March 7 2010 at 6:54 PM
Grant D  

I'm wondering what any of you SD users out there think of this hose. Looks like one of these options might be MUCH easier to deal with. Just put valves and quick connects on the ends.

First one:
Second one:

Though it looks like you have to unwind the entire length of hose you have before turning the water on, it looks like setup/breakdown time might be drastically easier, not to mention these hoses would take up very little space in the van.

David Hebert

Re: Good hose for Steamin Demon?

March 8 2010, 2:50 PM 

you can buy lenghts of hose as long as you want from the Steamin Demon company you can also buy hose reels for the Demon also.

What I found is this

works great.
there are other things that work well also

Grant D

Re: Good hose for Steamin Demon?

March 8 2010, 7:43 PM 

Thanks for the comments. I have one of those hose reels and it's just WAY WAY WAY too big. Takes up half the van right there so I'm just looking for a better option.

I'm ok with dealing with the hoses that came with the machine if I only need 50' worth, but for 100' hose lengths or longer dealing with the hoses, etc. quickly seems to become a nightmare. If I had a helper I don't think it would bother me, but I've just been searching for something that might work better.

These hoses might not be any easier to work with once the machine is turned on, but they take up virtually no space and are very light-weight so they seem to have a couple of pluses to them.

David Hebert

Re: Good hose for Steamin Demon?

March 8 2010, 7:55 PM 

The reels are great for big commercial jobs which is when I use them, I use a mesh bag to hold the 50 foot section hoses in, it takes little room, easy to carry if you coil them rite easy hook up.

If you take a look at northern tools or harbor freight you may find another option that suits what you need, I have been thinking about going to 75 foot hoses as that seem about rite for most situations.


Al Taylor

Re: Good hose for Steamin Demon?

March 8 2010, 8:57 PM 

Actually I roll up my hoses nicely then tie with a velcro strap. I hang them up high in my van with a bungy cord. No space taken up and I can carry them all the time in my van with no problem, all 100ft.

Current Topic - Good hose for Steamin Demon?
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