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Encap NO GOOD!

March 23 2010 at 10:54 PM

(..thought that would get your attention!)

What situations would you say that HWE would be preferable over encap in residential, and commercial situations.;

For example:

RESIDENTIAL - obviously flood recovery, or when there is no power to house.... but when is encap not effective?

COMMERCIAL - Heavily soiled resturant that need a good flushing?

I have a truckmount also, but wonder when others here think it is truely needed?



Re: Encap NO GOOD!

March 24 2010, 7:51 AM 

Encap would not be advisable at least 95% of the time in a residential situation due to the fact that most homeowners wait until the carpet "looks" trashed,which as we all know is already way to late.
On the flipside,I've encaped carpet,residential and commercial, which I felt needed HWE but due to budget,location,time and other circumstances,encap was the only way to go.Once complete some of theses turned out a whole lot better than originally anticipated.
Encap,HWE,Pad... all tools to used accordingly

Joe Gilstrap

Re: Encap NO GOOD!

March 24 2010, 9:53 AM 

The problem with encapping residential is the dreaded dirty socks that are discovered the next day by the homeowner. This will get you a call back, or bad press.
You need to use HWE or OP when doing residential.

Fred Gruber

Re: Encap NO GOOD!

March 25 2010, 8:00 AM 

We primarily HWE most residential but have occasionally used encap. I helped a friend with one of his rental homes, down in NC. I installed new carpet in the living room, re-installed the old living room carpet into a bedroom and cleaned the 3 bedrooms. I don't have a truck mount in NC but have two that I can use from time to time. I wasn't able to line up one of those, so I decided to do encap with a rotary. Two of the rooms were berber and weren't terribly soiled and the other was a white cut pile, heavily soiled and full of spots. I told my friend that I wasn't sure how the white carpet was going to clean and he'd better be prepared to buy a new one. The two berber rugs cleaned up fine and the other room came out much better than we both expected. It wasn't perfect but but it was more than good enough to be shown.

I have occasionally cleaned a unit in one of my condominium buildings, where we have used encap with a bonnet and got great results.

Current Topic - Encap NO GOOD!
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