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Steamin Demon Foam Issues

March 28 2010 at 7:53 PM
Thomas Owens 

What do you Steamin Demon users do to deal with foam in the little recovery tank? The automatic float switch doesn't seem to float on foam, so it always gets into the vac motor.


This message has been edited by johnsmith808 on Mar 28, 2010 7:53 PM

David Hebert

Re: Steamin Demon Foam Issues

March 28 2010, 8:21 PM 

use defoamer.

spray the carpet with plain hot water if you get lots of foaming use the residue to clean with rather then adding to the problem.

Spray down the carpet agitate then rinse out, ou can also toss defoamer crystals in the tank

Joe Gilstrap

Re: Steamin Demon Foam Issues

March 29 2010, 12:37 AM 

Don't you have a dispenser with a push button release for defoamer on your Demon? I mix my defoamer 50/50 with water and put it in the dispenser.

Al Taylor

Re: Steamin Demon Foam Issues

March 29 2010, 3:28 AM 

I do also like Joe.

Thomas Owens

Re: Steamin Demon Foam Issues

March 29 2010, 5:19 AM 

I must be a total idiot. I think I took off those attachments. I'm pretty sure I still got them though.

Thanks guys.


Re: Steamin Demon Foam Issues

March 29 2010, 5:47 PM 

I use rinse master from chemeisters as a rinse in my rinse water. it completely disolves the soap as it comes in the waste tank. and supposedly the carpets aswell

Al Taylor


March 29 2010, 7:47 PM 

Give yourself a break. A TOTAL IDIOT? Noooo!
Your only a blooming idiot

Thomas Owens

Re: T.O.

March 30 2010, 2:59 AM 

Thanks for that reassurance. happy.gif

Shows how much I haven't used the Steamin Demon!

Anthony, that's a good thought. Will that work with the Steamin Demon though?

This message has been edited by johnsmith808 on Mar 30, 2010 3:02 AM


Re: T.O.

March 30 2010, 10:55 AM 

im not sure but i know rinsemaster is amazing at cutting the foam and would leave the carpets in a neautral ph

David Hebert

Re: T.O.

April 1 2010, 9:03 AM 

give the chemical a try use it as your prespray it may work.
I am going to get some to give it a whirl for those carpets loaded with junk and see what happens, maybe good for walk off mats

Current Topic - Steamin Demon Foam Issues
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