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Encap Video from Photobucket

March 31 2010 at 5:24 PM


This is a job I did 2 weeks ago and other pics from this job are posted below on this board. 3,100 sq ft. I am running the rotary with one hand, trying to operate the solution lever with my left hand and holding the camera in my right hand. Just wanted to see if this photobucket video thing works.

It's not working on this site like I posted it on another site. But it works after going to photobucket. Guess this site might not have shockwave.

This message has been edited by Grossvater on Mar 31, 2010 5:24 PM

Rick Thode

Re: Encap Video from Photobucket

March 31 2010, 6:14 PM 

Hi Charles:

Looking good. If I could offer one suggestion. The solution is coming out a little heavy and you may develop some drying & wicking issues anytime you get solution flinging out that much.

Try getting it so you just get a complete, light white film without the excess and you may find it clean & dry better with less chance of possible wicking especially when you get into heavy soil. Less is More with this system.

Just my 2 cents worth

Rick Thode
Your Canadian Source for Releasit/Cimex



Video from Photobucket

March 31 2010, 8:17 PM 

Remember in this video I am running this machine with only my left hand
so it is a little hard to pull solution lever and hold down rotary lever
and keep from bashing in walls and filming with right hand. Maybe next time I will have my wife take the video and I can use both hands. I don't have this on my tank but I like it cause you can squeeze the lever just a couple of times and get the right amount of solution that you want. I usually have more control but try running a rotary with one hand.

This pic shows a chain connected to the solution lever.


When I was a ServiceMaster guy we had buffers that had a special lever for solution and when you clicked it a couple of times it would only send a certain amount of solution with each click.

With these new photobucket videos you could also record customers/ clients testimonials and post them to your website or google & yahoo local search accounts.

Current Topic - Encap Video from Photobucket
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