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encap hydrox after ds

April 22 2010 at 4:01 PM

My question is, I have a commercial account that I have been maintaining with DS. It is a light color and is starting to turn a little brown in the high traffic areas. I was thinking about trying Hydrox next time to try and correct some of the browning. I wasn't sure what would happen if there is still some of the DS polymer in the carpet and I add the Hydrox polymer to it. Any info will help. Thank You.


Rick Gelinas

Re: encap hydrox after ds

April 22 2010, 5:04 PM 

Brown? That's where Encap-HydrOx shines. It will easily make you a believer. It's a true encapsulant that crystallizes amazingly well and it cleans well too. And yes, it corrects browning, as well as a wide variety of organic colored stains. Give it a shot - I think you'll like it.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

David Hebert

Re: encap hydrox after ds

April 22 2010, 5:23 PM 

I tried it out on white berber carpets in a few locations both said same thing.

Holy bleep that's some great bleep


Re: encap hydrox after ds

April 23 2010, 8:52 AM 

sounds like i need to use this at one of my accounts.
cleaned with relesit the first but carpet had more coffee stains than carpet,turned out good but could be better


Hey Rick

April 23 2010, 10:25 AM 

What I was wondering is will there be a problem if I clean with Hydrox and there is leftover DS polymers in the carpet from all the previous cleanings? Thanks.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Hey Rick

April 23 2010, 3:22 PM 

No. Any residue from prior cleanings that might still be in the carpet at this point would be fairly inert. The only issue there is between Encap-HydrOx and any other product is pH. Encap-HydrOx has a pH of 3.5 in concentration. It requires a special polymer that is compatible with the acidic pH and the hydrogen peroxide. This is not going to be a factor with any OLD residues that might possibly be in the carpet. To the contrary, Encap-HydrOx will actually overcome any old detergent residues.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

Current Topic - encap hydrox after ds
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