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Last week's Releasit photo contest winner was Matt

April 26 2010 at 4:55 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Thanks everyone for the great submissions!
Keep 'em coming, and have a chance to win a $100 credit on your next order.

A Couple of Notes About The Weekly Photo Contest:

1. You can resubmit your photos again in the following weeks if your submission wasn't selected (it was hard to choose this week because they were all good)

2. Please include your full name and a contact number with your submission so that we can easily contact you if you win (for instance this week's winner has no contact information so we're going to have to rely on him to contact us)

3. You can only win twice in a 12 month period

Here is Matt's entry. Great job Matt!

Gentleman that lived in ths unit worked on cars every day. Grease and spills are from him. Pre spray Punch 10oz and scrub DS 4oz. Whalla!

[linked image]

[linked image]

It's a new week, so let's see your Before & After shots happy.gif

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

Thomas Owens

Re: Last week's Releasit photo contest winner was Matt

April 26 2010, 8:30 PM 

Rick, just for clarification, is this a weekly contest or a monthly contest?


Rick Gelinas

Monthly Photo Contest

April 27 2010, 1:36 AM 

Okay great now everyone knows - "I'm an airhead". Yes, in fact the contest is supposed to be monthly, not weekly. Guess I jumped the gun on that one. Doh!

So this month there will be 2 winners. Matt is already a winner, and there's still a chance for a second winner too. So keep the photos rolling in.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]


Re: Monthly Photo Contest

April 27 2010, 7:47 PM 

Hey Rick, I understand the mix up! I'd be fine waiting to the end of the month to pick one winner for the month. Besides, I have a few more up my sleeve happy.gif

BTW: the carpet in the picture was done wit Mex & Fiber MAX pads. No bonnets were used! We achieve results like this weekly!

Just in case: Clean Carpets & Upholstery, LLC (978)660-6753.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Monthly Photo Contest

April 28 2010, 4:01 AM 

This one's on us. Like I said above Matt- this month we'll have two winners. You've already won. Thank you for providing your contact info. And CONGRATULATIONS on being our first winner!!!

And as I mentioned earlier - there's still room for another winner this month, so keep the photos rolling in. happy.gif

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 28, 2010 5:53 AM

Current Topic - Last week's Releasit photo contest winner was Matt
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS