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Day Care - Cimex

April 28 2010 at 9:38 AM
Bill Martins  

Hi guys,

I have a prospect which has several low end area rugs that gets cleaned by a janitorial company right now, got all my measurements and was going to give them a demo/proposal to do it in their own facility with the Cimex and DS. Typically we take all rugs to the rug plant, but they can't be w/out the rugs after 1-3 days at the max, so the only option would be to clean at their facility. There's no wall to wall.

I feel a bit anxious about encapping the rugs at the facility because I believe they should be emerged in the rug pit. Some of the rugs and rooms they are in smell quite strong probably from accidents, urine, vomit, etc.

Would you recommend cimexing these rugs in the facility w/out having any health risks due to the babies and kids crawling on them 24/7, and eating of the mats/rugs? I want to make sure I'm not just over reacting about this. Or should it only be HWEed when there are multiple kids around. I was also going to add Odorcide to DS for the odor.

Thanks for your input,

Bill Martins

This message has been edited by bmartins on Apr 28, 2010 9:42 AM

David Hebert

Re: Day Care - Cimex

April 28 2010, 9:55 AM 

We do lots of daycare facilities

Common areas encap x4 a year extraxt2x a year.

Rugs and rooms with kids on the floor all the time
extract each time Rooms with older kids same as common areas.

Most Rugs in day cares are perfectly ok to extract and leave in the building, I drape the rugs over the tables or bins in the room while they dry, janitorial staff or daycare staff puts them back.

We have a working relationship with the janitorial company so it works out well for us.

Bill Martins


April 28 2010, 12:13 PM 

Ok Thanks.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Extract

April 28 2010, 5:38 PM 

I agree with David.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]



May 1 2010, 2:42 PM 

I don't know how everyone else does it, but, I cleaned a school nightly. I extracted the carpeted areas every 6 months (that's what they were willing to pay to have done) and hosed it down with a hospital grade disinfectant every week.

A good wand and a porty with your favorite juice. I also added the above mentioned disinfectant.

If I were doing it now, after experimenting with ReleaseIT, I'd probably add some of Rick's juice to the rinse to help keep it clean between extractions.

If you extract them, they won't ever have the other folks do them again.

Current Topic - Day Care - Cimex
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS