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Trigger stays down and wont come up - help.

May 15 2010 at 6:05 PM

When the tank gets low, the solution feed trigger will pull up on the whole tank because it weighs less. i use my other hand to hold the tank down as i pull on the trigger.

how can i stop this from happening?


Tighten yer nuts

May 16 2010, 2:10 AM 

Near the top of the solution tank, at the rear, there is a saddle that goes around the oblong upright handle.

Cimex USA refer to these parts as the "Tank Bracket" & "Handle".

The screws are self locking and should not come loose, but if they were never tight enough, then the "bracket" and tank may lift.

This is all that holds the tank to the Cimex, apart from the locating lug that fits into a recess in the base of the solution tank, but that is not fixed as such.

So tighten these nuts and see what happens, I would even apply a slight down pressure when tightening to lessen any upward lifting with a low solution tank.

IF you wanted to be extra sure to stop the "bracket" rising, put a POP RIVET into the "Handle" BUT WATCH OUT FOR THE ELECTRICAL CABLE WHEN DRILLING.

I've just done over 24,500 F2 of carpet these last two days, and no problems with my Big Yella, in fact, in the last five & a half years, this problem has never happened to me.

Hope this helps.

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Re: Tighten yer nuts

May 16 2010, 10:27 AM 

Ouch I seen that headline and never minds its sunday


Rick Gelinas


May 16 2010, 4:18 PM 

1. Remove the tank mounting clamp toward the top of the tank.

2. Cut a short strip of rubber (bicycle inner tube rubber works great for this).

3. Install the rubber underneath the clamp, and press down on the tank as you reinstall and retighten the clamp.

This simple solution wil solve your problem - guaranteed.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

This message has been edited by cimex on May 16, 2010 4:19 PM


thanks fellas

May 17 2010, 10:58 AM 

thanks Shorty!

i'll do that Rick happy.gif

LOL Dave, yes getting older is interesting :-\

Current Topic - Trigger stays down and wont come up - help.
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