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Hos Orbot

May 16 2010 at 2:42 AM

Please allow for some sensible answers before cutting my legs out from under me, or executing me.

Does anyone use the Hos Orbot with a single pad, to encapsulate carpet in commercial properties, as one would normally do with a Cimex. ?

I'm looking at a lighter system so my T.A. ( Trades Assistant wink.gif ), can clean the carpet instead of sitting around sucking coffee and readin' the paper while I work.


PS ::: She doesn't know about this. Yet. !!!

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Re: Hos Orbot

May 16 2010, 10:24 AM 

Yes I do. use either a fiber plus pad a beige pad, microfiber, etc it the pad fits on a rotary you can use it on the orbot in most cases.



Hos Orbot

May 16 2010, 11:43 AM 

Hey Shorty,

The orbot works fine for encapping. The trick on it is adjusting the the jets further ahead of the machine then is intuitive. I was going through tons of solution and pads before Gary H. pointed this out. All has been good since then. Plan on it taking longer to master than the Cimex.

One thing that I noticed, is that I could get better results in really soiled areas changing out bonnets then I could get with encapping alone. In other words bonnet the bad areas and encap the rest.



May 16 2010, 4:31 PM 

Thank you Gentlemen.

That Gary H H sure has been a credit to our industry.

Looking forward to catching up with him again in September, and many other also from this forum. wink.gif


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Spray vs Gravity feed solution?

May 17 2010, 9:11 PM 

How does projecting the jets more forward reduce solution and pad usage. How does this help, does it provide better coverage, or allow dwell time?

Which machine uses more cleaning solution, the cimex being gravity fed, or the orbot with the spray jets?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Spray vs Gravity feed solution?

May 18 2010, 2:26 AM 

Great questions.

The spray pattern of the Orbot is an inherent design of the machine. And since it is intended for a spray application, spraying it as described above works best. However this doesn't really add any extra dwell time. It's just a better way to get the solution to cover the carpet as it needs to for doing encap work.

Solution feeding the detergent (as with the Cimex or a rotary machine) has always proven to be a superior means of delivering the juice to the fiber. As the solution is fed through the FiberPlus pads it is easy to adjust your flow on the fly and deliver the perfect amount of detergent (you just want to see a light whitening on the surface of the carpet as you're cleaning).

You should use a similar amount of solution regardless of whether you're using the Orbot or the Cimex for encap cleaning. Approximately 300 sq ft per gallon of rtu solution (mixed detergent) is what you should see, regardless of which machine you're using. There needs to be a sufficient amount of solution to wet out the fiber and to provide a vehicle for the soil to be completely encapsulated. On the flip side, you don't want to use too much solution, since this will waste product and could lead to wicking. And experience has shown that this works out to be roughly 300 sq ft per gallon.

I wish you success as you get into the world of encap cleaning. It opens a lot of doors when it comes to commercial carpet care!

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

David Hebert

Re: Spray vs Gravity feed solution?

May 18 2010, 9:38 AM 

We own both rotary and Orbot. I personally can go faster with the rotary in many situations due to the way the chems are dispersed

Each has its place and would not want to be with out either one. I can use less chemicals with the gravity feed system,but that was before adding weights to the Orbot, now the amount of solution compared to the rotary is so close

Al Taylor

Re: Spray vs Gravity feed solution?

May 18 2010, 12:26 PM 

For the orbot you have the option of changing out the spray jets to a smaller size. (04) seems to be ideal and will save a tremendous amount of solution vs. (06) Yet it accomplishes the goal nicely.

Al Taylor

Wiegh the meaning and look not at the words.


Spray vs. Gravity Feed

May 18 2010, 6:52 PM 

I switched from 06 to 04 the other day. Not really on purpose. I lost one of the jets and only had a couple of 02's hanging around. So far this seems to work better for me and the way I work.

Personally, I like the spray system over the gravity feed. I find that it's easier to stay consistent.


Re: Spray vs. Gravity Feed

May 19 2010, 5:00 AM 

I have been reading this banter with interest & Grant ask the question about Setting the Orbitor sprays further out WHY ????
Better even coverage ???? Less Solution ???????

I had a problem with the Orbital spray setup & change to a Three jet (11002) system on a mounting Plate, spraying about 30MM in front of the Orbital & reduced the amount of solution.
Hence the interest in the above subject.


Current Topic - Hos Orbot
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