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next stupid question - autoscrubber

May 17 2010 at 11:02 PM

Is there a reason I can't use my autoscrubber with the vac off and squeege removed? I can see my 17" having a use...


Re: next stupid question - autoscrubber

May 18 2010, 1:29 AM 

If you prespray this may work, I used to use one as a prescrubber for HWE on commercial jobs as it was powerfull and had a wide path, but cumbersome also.

Autoscrubbers often have holes in the rotating cylindrical brush which distribute the cleaning solution in concentrated lines, which is okay for hard floors as it is easily spread. However it will be absorbed by carpet fibres and may produce uneven results.


Rick Gelinas

Re: next stupid question - autoscrubber

May 18 2010, 2:30 AM 

Depending on the design of your machine - this might be an option. However I think an auto-scrubber would probably be limited in it's maneuverability and it might not be designed with the correct degree of head weight or motor torque for handling carpet scrubbing. Carpet scrubbing creates much more torque on the machine than floor care. But you could give it a test run and see if it's feasible - there's no harm in trying.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

David Hebert

Re: next stupid question - autoscrubber

May 18 2010, 9:45 AM 

give it a go and see for your self.

This is what I found, unless it is a wide open area with room to maneuver you may slow your self down. Pad needs to be in the front of the scrubber, unless the machine has a 20 inch or greater coverage you maybe wasting time.

A traction drive is a must or you will be tired, make sure you have the water flow adjusted correctly or the carpet will get damaged or you will use way to much juice



May 18 2010, 9:32 PM 

I think you guys just saved me some irritation. It's a 17" that uses pads. I was thinking the 17" pad and big solution tank would be about ideal for the mini-passages between sides of the cube farms - run it down one side turn around in the hall, run it back down the other side and be done.

Being small it's likely very underpowered for carpet scrubbing more importantly it's not traction drive. Don't need to be making this harder!

Mark Hart

Re: thanks

May 19 2010, 3:04 PM 

I use a 20" Windsor in two 18,000 s/f stores. The aisles are about 200' long. I go up one aisle and come down the other and make 3 or 4 passes to complete them. The eliminated the problem with maneuvering. It took a few minutes to get the water flow correct. Once we got it right, using it along with the two Cimexes took a full hour off the job.


that was it

May 20 2010, 5:24 PM 

That was the idea. Your Windsor has a "little" more power than my 17". It's primary feature is extreme mobility for an auto-scrubber.

Current Topic - next stupid question - autoscrubber
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