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May 18 2010 at 1:39 PM

Joe DeSouza 

Landed my 1st carpet audit / estimate for a large legal firm on the 17th floor of a skyscraper! Hopefully this will lead into other jobs...


Joe Gilstrap

Re: YES!!!!

May 18 2010, 9:26 PM 

Go get em big guy!!!!!


What's yer secret Joe ???

May 19 2010, 12:41 AM 

Start in the middle and work your way to the top ??

Start in the middle and go to ground ??

I love those big jobs, no one around to bother you, you just start up and go for an hour or so until you gotta fill 'er up again, then continue on down the Greenback Road. wink.gif

Flamin' heck !!!! 17 floors, that's higher than our tallest building here.

Congrats; mate & keep chasin' 'em down.


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Don Eldred

Re: What's yer secret Joe ???

May 19 2010, 8:39 AM 

Shorty-- That is a lot of stairs to haul big yella up!!!


Crikey Don !!!!!!!!!!

May 19 2010, 4:27 PM 

Leapin Lizards mate, I ain't Superman ya know. !!!!!!!

I count me lucky stars that I live where I does, 'n that commercial buildings (nearly) all have elevators in them. happy.gif

Now that I'm officially over the hill, (65), I'm puttin' me foot down on haulin; Big Yella up more than four flights of stairs more than three times a day and going after more commercial work to make things a tad easier. wink.gif

Now, a word of caution here, if anyone wants to come to Far North Queensland and see me do this, please come soon before our esteemed Premier sells it orf to the Japanese. sad.gif

Queensland that is. sad.gifsad.gifsad.gif


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Joe DeSouza

How I did it...

May 19 2010, 11:51 PM 

Shorty, I got the call because they found my website through a google search...i LOVE getting jobs that way, cost me $10 a month...I wish all my jobs were found that way!!




May 20 2010, 12:47 AM 

Could you elaborate on the $10 dollars per month from the website?

Fred Gruber

Re: Congrats!!

May 20 2010, 6:30 AM 

Good luck!

Keep up the good work.

More good things will follow, if you keep pushing.


Joe DeSouza

Re: Congrats!!

May 20 2010, 4:10 PM 

What I meant by the $10 / month is the hosting fee...


Current Topic - YES!!!!
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