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pictures from restaurant

May 27 2010 at 1:58 PM
David Hebert  

A few Pictures of a restaurant we do monthly
Using the Orbot and DS

[linked image]

[linked image]

[linked image]


looks good

May 27 2010, 3:11 PM 

that's where I'm looking to get a foot hold locally. How fast does that Orbot clean a carpet like that?


Rick Gelinas

Re: looks good

May 28 2010, 2:49 AM 

As George said... LOOKS GOOD!

Keep up the good work David.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

David Hebert

Re: looks good

May 28 2010, 10:30 AM 

I spray going in one direction and just scrub going in the other direction walking along like if I was cutting grass(not that that would happen), but that is the pace.

I cannot give an accurate time per sq ft 1. I have not idea what it is 2. I am also answering phone, talking with the owner.

What i do know is even with all that $150 a hour is that take even with all the extras going on. This particular client also gets kitchen, and VCT areas done on a different week.

Kitchen VCT one week(which is where i started in this account) two weeks later carpet gets done ( other guy got fired we took it over)

This client was one of the first I landed using my back door marketing strategies.



May 28 2010, 7:31 PM 

That's good enough. Trying to figure out my next step up the food chain.


Good job

May 29 2010, 2:37 AM 

Nice work there. I was wondering what kind of pad under the Orbot, it looks like a Tuway? are you padcapping or straight encap? Thanks


David Hebert

Re: Good job

May 29 2010, 11:42 AM 

These are The Tuway Thin One bonnets or encap bonnets.

Some times I use those sometimes I use Beige Scrub pads, Fiber Plus, scrub bonnets with the black stripes or cotton 20 inch pads.

For this particular client Tuways or scrub bonnets is what I use.
Residential I use Tuways then cotton pads if just VLM.

Commercial it depends on the soil loads I have used any one or combination of scrub HWE and cotton bonnets after.

I always tell prospects we are not a cookie cutter cleaning company, we provide customized cleaning solution to meet our clients needs and budget.

Al Taylor

Re: Good job

May 29 2010, 4:40 PM 

I like that David. I like what you tell your prospects.

Al Taylor

Wiegh the meaning and look not at the words.

Current Topic - pictures from restaurant
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