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Has anyone tried this...

May 30 2010 at 8:44 PM

Joe DeSouza 

Has anyone purchased emails for companies to be able to send them some marketing material, etc? I was thinking of doing that - I remember a few years ago emailing a local company and introducing myself - it lead to a 3 yr relationship and the biggest job I ever cleaned (30k of CGD)




Why ??

May 31 2010, 5:48 PM 

Not asking why use emails, rather, why PURCHASE email addresses ??

Many businesses now run web sites that include their email address, if not, the old, ( as in "old" technology happy.gif ), yellow pages ads for these companies may have them listed.

Other than that, a simple phone call may not only get you the email address, but also the correct contacts e; addy; that you need.

I'm a "scrooge" and like to save dollars if I can.

Maybe times are changing, but I remember reading previously about resistance to email marketing similar to voice blasting in times gone by.

Those tele marketers are my pet peeve.


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Current Topic - Has anyone tried this...
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