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Barcode Label Printer

June 15 2010 at 6:52 AM
Barney Vole  

I am new to the world of barcode labels and need some advice and suggestions on which barcode label printer to go for? I have already been told that the Printronix and the Zebra range are very good but would like a bit more input.

Thanks in advance

Steve Dills

Re: Barcode Label Printer

June 15 2010, 8:36 AM 

I have been an IT professional since 1980. Vast experience in POS systems and labeling systems for manufacturing companies. You cannot go wrong with a Zebra. More important than the printer is defining what the label is to be used for. Then find label generating software ie Label Matrix or others that will put the data on the label where you want it. Then you have to find a label supplier. There are many different types of labels with many adhesive options. Without knowing your application it is hard to comment. If you are barcoding your assets you may need a laminated label that is somewhat waterproof. If so it may be cheaper for you to buy a batch of labels from a vendor printed to your specifications. Low end printers. ($500 range) run only thermo paper. For around $2,000 you can get thermo transfer. From there it goes up and is limited only by the size of your checkbook.

For small and simple barcode printing any of several Zebra printers will do you right. Match the duty cycle to the number of labels printed monthly or you may be buying too much printer. Don't forget readers also. I personally like the Symbol 2208 USB reader for attaching to laptops/desktops but other vendors make similar products at similar prices.

As for formats go with either extended 3 of 9 or 128. these two are very forgiving and accept lots of characters.
Best of luck.

Current Topic - Barcode Label Printer
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