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High traffic area

June 18 2010 at 8:03 PM
Tony Crouch  

Thanks Rick, I much appreciate your help.Was just wondering if cleaning the HTA 2 or 3 times in a row would would take away the darkness. Let me ask it like this. Many times the HTA looks just fine, but the times it doesn't would going back over it more times over the next week or so make enough difference to make it worth it. Time and cost is an issue but, customer satisfaction is everything.

Homan, Fred

Re: High traffic area

June 18 2010, 10:54 PM 

If you used encap.....I have found that ME post vacuuming makes a difference....Vac, Vac, Vac.....


Rick Gelinas

Re: High traffic area

June 19 2010, 2:48 AM 

What Fred said is good- "Vac, Vac, Vac"

And yes, additional cleanings can help to get a stinker to look better.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]


Something else to consider.

June 20 2010, 8:20 PM 

In areas of very high soiling, one think you have to consider is the way you attack these areas as well. You may need to use a bit more cleaning solution in these areas followed by several dry passes or feathered passes to bring these back to life if you are using pads or brushes. Also for level loop commercial, alot of times, pads will outshine brushes in with encap and if you have a heavy soil load you may even benefit from doing an encapsulation scrubbing with your pads/ brushes followed by some nice slow passes with a bonnet on to pick up some of the soiling.

Just a few tips that many here have mentioned in posts long ago that you may find helpful.

Don Eldred

Re: Something else to consider.

June 22 2010, 8:15 AM 

If traffic lanes are that bad, I would pre-scrub with the cimex and than HWE to remove as much of the soil load as possible.

Thomas Owens

Re: Something else to consider.

June 22 2010, 2:32 PM 

I totally agree with Don. Sometimes, especially for initial cleanings, you have to flush those really bad areas. It may wick up the next day or so, so you may need to return to do a quick encap. Just make sure to let them know AHEAD of time that wicking will most likely occur and that you will return to take care of it.

Current Topic - High traffic area
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