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Upholstery cleaning and your back

July 4 2010 at 9:54 PM

I don't know about you blokes, but I clean a lot of upholstery.

I love cleaning upholstery with a passion.

Over the years I have used many devices to put pieces of furniture on.

In this instance, I'm talking about the cushions.

We have stood at the back of the three seat sofa with a drop sheet and cleaned the cushions on top of the back rest.

I didn't like it as it looked like what a cowboy would do. wink.gif

I've had many different tables, usually camp types with collapsible legs.

These were usually a pain to set-up and break down.

The card tables with crappy cardboard/masonite tops would break down with the moisture.

They were at a set height, usually just a bit to low, even for me, and I would end up with a crook back.

Plus the plastic/melamine top would hold water/solution and defeat the purpose.

For the last couple of years, I have been using an ironing board and found it great.

It has a mesh top so no water etc; pools on it.

I can adjust it to my height, low to the ground, or higher if I'm wearing my high heels that day. happy.gif

Plus I'm able to put a couple of different spotters on the rails where the iron would normaly go.

Now if you want to laugh at the idea, I don't care.

But for those that clean upholstery, this may help you.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Rick Gelinas

Re: Upholstery cleaning and your back

July 5 2010, 9:11 AM 

The vision of your short round self standing at an ironing board in high-heels is a picture I'd rather not have in my head. Thanks a lot Shorty sad.gif

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

David Hebert

Re: Upholstery cleaning and your back

July 5 2010, 10:28 AM 

Hey as long as there is not a maid outfit attached to the picture I am OK with it, I mean I can understand wanting a height adjustment

James Peterson

up back

July 6 2010, 9:06 AM 

Great idea Shorty I've tried all those things but never thought about an ironing board. Will give it a try.


Kevin Pearson

Cowboy comment

July 6 2010, 5:52 PM 

Being from Texas with my cowboy hat and cowboy boots I am not sure that looking like a cowboy is a bad thing. Besides that, great idea with the ironing board.



Re: Upholstery cleaning and your back

July 7 2010, 6:22 AM 

[linked image]
Shorty - Extreme Steam'in - Cairns Hinterland....


Revolutionary Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

This message has been edited by truebluestu on Jul 7, 2010 6:23 AM
This message has been edited by truebluestu on Jul 7, 2010 6:22 AM


Looking for a true blue Stu;?

July 7 2010, 9:00 AM 

My friends (customers/clients) know, that if they have any cleaning related problem, I can iron them out for them. wink.gif

The way you're going, you may well get ironed out also. happy.gifhappy.gif

Good to see you on here Stu;



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Current Topic - Upholstery cleaning and your back
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