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Rug Plant stuff for sale

July 7 2010 at 8:01 AM

Due to disagreement with my landlord I am getting rid of all my equipment and will be downsizing and working out of my garage for a while so I am selling all my equipment. Includes:
6 -7 Drying polls fully rigged and ready to be hung (they are up now). I use chain hoists to lift them but I have an electric motor that I have never used (came out of another rug shop).
Lots of chems
Lots of 2" vac hose
Sump pump
DCI light
Rug Dolly
Rug Secrets course
Spotting Chems
Floor scrubber with soft brush and solution tank
More - I will add as I poke around - lots of stuff after 20 years in the biz! I will also try an ad some pics this week.
$5000 gets it all - gotta be out by July 21.
I also have a Hydroforce 0-1200PSI machine with a wand that I could nclude if somebody needs an extractor for 2K more.
This is everything you need to clean rugs!
Must be picked up - would like to sell as a package but may consider breaking it up as it won't all fit in my home shop.
Located in Orange County, NY 845-258-1099

Current Topic - Rug Plant stuff for sale
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