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July 7 2010 at 6:50 PM

Gotta a couple of good before and after pics but can't get them on here - never used photobucket - normally just insert them.




July 7 2010, 8:39 PM 

It's easy: Sign in to photobucket

2. go to the section where it says Upload photos

3. It will take you to where your pics are stored on the computer & select pics

4. Select 3rd one down that says HTML CODE, click copy & paste here.



July 8 2010, 8:56 AM 

That was easy!



That was Easy

July 8 2010, 9:18 AM 

So ok Bob, if you win the $100 in the contest, do I get $50 of it for teaching you how to post the pics?

This answer will be interesting.



July 9 2010, 8:09 PM 

But I will buy you a beer if we ever meet!




July 9 2010, 8:43 PM 

Hey BOB,,,,

Buy me a beer in Germany. I don't drink beer here. Don't like it.
That's ok you don't want to share the $100, I posted some pics today.



July 10 2010, 6:57 PM 

Deal - you buy the plane tix! I too love a good German beer and a good 3rd place win in the world cup. saw your pics - very nice.



RE:Nope / BOB

July 10 2010, 8:04 PM 

How about a fake German beer they sell at stores in the states like BECKS. I was in Germany in the 1970's when Germany won the world cup.
Free beer that night. I left there in 1980.

As far as the pic contest, Shake hands & come out fighting. May the best man win!!!!

Current Topic - pics
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