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Light Blue, Light Tan, Cream, Bone white, Light grey

July 10 2010 at 5:35 PM
Al Taylor  

A very close-up DIGITAL photo of twist or level loop fibers. (colors above)The goal is to be able to see a magnified view of the texture of the fibers. Preferably New, or exceptionally cleaned & groomed. Thanks! Email:

Al Taylor

Weigh the meaning and look not at the words.

This message has been edited by myalexis on Jul 10, 2010 7:49 PM
This message has been edited by myalexis on Jul 10, 2010 7:48 PM


Hey Alex

July 11 2010, 3:49 PM 

Not sure what it is that you want mate.

Are you looking for a macro photo of clean carpet fibres in cut or loop pile ??

I'm confused, but that's easy for me wink.gif



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Al Taylor

Re: Hey Alex

July 11 2010, 7:10 PM 

Yes a micro phtoto of defined clean carpet fibers cut or loop pile. Will be the backround for my magnet.(car)

Thanks for asking!

Al Taylor

Wiegh the meaning and look not at the words.

Geoff Alger

Re: Hey Alex

July 12 2010, 5:10 AM 

Why not try a carpet store?


Tried a stock photo service ??

July 12 2010, 6:44 AM 

May cost you a couple of bucks, but get you good photos.

Have a squiz at these..................



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Rick Gelinas

Re: Tried a stock photo service ??

July 12 2010, 8:02 AM 

1. Get a good camera. If you don't have one borrow one. A phone camera or a cheapo pocket cam will NOT suffice if you want to get some good images

2. Now go to a carpet store and ask to see some carpet samples. Ask to see samples in the color ranges and styles that you're interested in. Tell them that you would like to take some pictures of the samples. Most sales people will be happy to help you if you're pleasant and ask nicely.

3. Bring the sample(s) that you like to the window or take it out in front of the store. Set your camera's white balance and set it to (landscape / outdoors mode). If you want close ups you'll need to set the camera to the "macro" setting and move in close. Then hold the camera perfectly still and take a couple of shots at the highest resolution the camera can achieve.

4. Thank the helpful person at the carpet store!

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

Al Taylor

Re: Tried a stock photo service ??

July 14 2010, 4:19 AM 

Thanks guys.

Al Taylor

Wiegh the meaning and look not at the words.

Current Topic - Light Blue, Light Tan, Cream, Bone white, Light grey
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