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July 12 2010 at 11:09 AM

I have a competitor that is giving a one year warranty on his carpet protector. The maxim advanced is supposed to out perform scotchgard and teflon dupont. How does the Soileze compare?


Rick Gelinas

Re: soileze

July 12 2010, 4:00 PM 

A Guarantee


Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

David Hebert

Re: soileze

July 12 2010, 4:56 PM 

We offer either a six month or a year warranty when we apply protector. The price depends and the warranty purchased, Free bottle of the spotter that we use comes with either purchase along with some other do dads


Rick Gelinas

Re: soileze

July 12 2010, 5:00 PM 

We just got a call at the office and it seems that the Tommy Boy soundtrack was misunderstood. This sound clip typifies the fact that a guarantee honestly means very little. Where the rubber meets the road it's all about PERFORMANCE. And Soileze can stack up to any of the protectors on the market when it comes to performance. When it comes down to it, in many cases a guarantee is nothing more than a marketing ploy. So I thought the Tommy Boy clip would illustrate the fact that a guarantee is a nice touch, but it shouldn't be considered too heavily in the overall scheme of things. I hope this explanation helps everyone understand where I was coming from with the sound clip. Sorry if it offended anyone.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]



July 12 2010, 8:20 PM 

Sorry Rick, I didn't mean to be so touchy. I am new to the business. My wife just lost her job so cleaning carpets is what pays the bills. I take my job very serious. I have had no past experience, learning as I go. I take your products and a little machine with three brushes on the bottom and a lot of determination and consistantly get up more stains and do an overall better job (according to my customers)than the big boys. So adding protector seemed to me a way to better service my customers. Adding a warranty seems to me a way to keep my foot in the door, not just for my sake but to make sure my customers are treated right. Some of the customer service stories I hear would curl even your hair. Now can you see why your first note was not very helpful? Do you know where I can get a sample warranty?


Rick Gelinas

Re: soileze

July 13 2010, 12:52 AM 

I apologize Tony. You asked a serious question and I provided a response that was intended to be funny. I have a weird sense of humor happy.gif

Your question is a good one. There is certainly nothing wrong with providing a guarantee when you provide protector. I think David's suggestion above is a good one!

Are any of you other fellows providing warranties with you protector sales?

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

David Edwards

Re: soileze

July 17 2010, 7:24 PM 

Like David, I offer a one year guarantee (for residential) when protector is applied. I've had nothing but great results with it.

Most clients will not call you back on the guarantee (in my experience). On those that do, it only takes a few minutes to take care of the concern, it is great for PR and fairly often I leave with an appointment for additional services, such as tile & grout.

David Edwards
Carpets To Go
New Bern, NC

Current Topic - soileze
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