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lighting strip pads

July 15 2010 at 8:32 PM
Al Taylor 

Just want to make sure that using these pads won't harm terrazzo in any way with neutral cleaner. Rick?

Al Taylor

Wiegh the meaning and look not at the words.


Rick Gelinas

Re: lighting strip pads

July 16 2010, 1:05 AM 

No. They won't harm terrazzo.

Why a neutral cleaner? Are you doing a deep scrub? Or do you want to strip floor finish from the terrazzo?

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

Al Taylor

Re: lighting strip pads

July 16 2010, 12:08 PM 

Theres no floor finish. It didn't seem to be. The client wouldn't new lease. My pocket knife said no finish is there. any suggrstions?

Al Taylor

Wiegh the meaning and look not at the words.

Joel Riggs

Re: lighting strip pads

July 16 2010, 6:27 PM 

To restore the shine to Terrazo. It is my understanding that that is a stone job. Hone with 200 400 800 and then polish it with a weighted swing.

There may be more steps then that but its not just a scrub and buff flooring to my understanding.

Al Taylor

Re: lighting strip pads

July 16 2010, 7:43 PM 

Yea, I just scrubbed with a stone cleaner solution, cimex, lighting pads, rinse wih water cimex & bonnets, then microfiber mop.
Customer saw big difference in the cleanness although no shine. I explained to him what you said Joe. Maybe later he says.

Al Taylor

Wiegh the meaning and look not at the words.


Re: lighting strip pads

July 18 2010, 9:34 PM 

I always just treated them like a VCT floor. Spartan makes a finish called Terraglaize that you could add 2 coats and it would make it look great.

Al Taylor

Residue left

July 19 2010, 12:44 AM 

Client called back and told me that there was a light haze type residue left on the floor.
I used laminator plus deep scrub. I'm not sure why thats happen. any one ever had that happen before? I'm thinking maybe a micro fiber mop and water rinse should take care of it.

Al Taylor

Wiegh the meaning and look not at the words.


Re: Residue left

July 19 2010, 1:39 PM 


It is not a residue, it is the concrete! If you want to get a good shine on the concrete you will need to do a restoration. You could try using the Diamond Plus Pads, and finish with the 5x Italian craftsman powder for a polished shine. This process would not remove any deep scratches but the end result would shine nicely!

Al Taylor

Thanks Drew.......

July 19 2010, 3:59 PM 

......... Client mentioned that when I go over to address the residue issue (concrete) he wanted to sit down and talk about a finish of some sort. Even though I told him that the shine won't last due to the porous nature of terrazzo. So, I will now inform him of the restoration process. However i need to give him some numbers on what his bill would be.

In other words what is the going rate for the restoring Terrazzo. I need to count the cost for the investment of diamond pads etc. I've never did it but I'm sure I can with list of do's & do-nots. (reliable instructions) Thanks again!

Al Taylor

Wiegh the meaning and look not at the words.


Re: Thanks Drew.......

July 20 2010, 11:34 AM 

It really depends what u plan to do? If you want to just do a finish you could use a floor finish.

For the restoration you will need to get 200, 400, 600, 800, 1800, 3000 Diamond pads @ $68 per set. 5X Powder is $123 for a 9 lb tub.

Joel Riggs

Re: Thanks Drew.......

July 20 2010, 7:36 PM 

To my understanding you can stop at 800 and polish after that and get a really deep shine.

Current Topic - lighting strip pads
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