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Hot Water ?

August 2 2010 at 3:33 PM
Joel Riggs  

Is there such thing as too hot of water for encap cleaning?

This message has been edited by kingjoelking on Aug 2, 2010 3:33 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Hot Water ?

August 2 2010, 5:15 PM 

Nope. The hotter the better. We've used bucket heaters that actually got the water to boil before we poured it into the Cimex.

The rule is that for every 18 degrees that water temp rises the molecular activity of the water doubles. That's why water boils - because the molecules are moving very rapidly. On the other hand ice is in a solid state because the molecules slow down so much that their movement is imperceptible.

Increased molecular activity imparts additional cleaning benefits. A simple way to illustrate this is to wash your hands with cold water. Then wash your hands with lukewarm water. Now wash your hands with hot water. There's an obvious increase in performance as the temperature rises, even though the difference in temperature is not that drastic in this case.

Releasit detergents perform extremely well in cold and warm water. But there will always be an added benefit if you have access to hot water, on account of what we discussed above.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

Joel Riggs

Re: Hot Water ?

August 2 2010, 6:46 PM 

Thanks. I knew hot was good but wasnt sure if at some point it would "melt" or dissolve the polymers rendering them inert.


Ahhh Grasshopper...

August 2 2010, 6:52 PM 

Arrhenius' Law


Re: Ahhh Grasshopper...

September 2 2010, 11:19 PM 

thats one of the nice thing about doing restaurants is the HOT water out of kitchen sink faucets.. not sure the temp. one guy said they have to be above 150 or 160 deg at min. I can tell especially with a greasy one the hotter the water the better..

might have to try the bucket heater with 150 d. water and pump it up a bit before mixing and pouring..

Current Topic - Hot Water ?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS