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ceramic and Porcelain tile

August 3 2010 at 4:38 PM

at a restaurant that i do tile cleaning at the manager is asking me if i can get a higher shine to his tile. There is a mix of ceramic in the front and porcelain at the back. Odd i know.

Could you use your diamondplus pads on that, or is that a really bad idea. Or is there another option out there.

many thanks in advance.


Bad Idea!

August 4 2010, 6:01 PM 

Tile is made of Clay, either Porcelain or Ceramic, it is painted with a glaze and cooked in a kiln. The glaze finish is what provides the shine. It gets dull when it gets scratched, the diamond pads will only make the scratches worse. There are finish products that will provide the shine he is looking for but we do not have any available.


Joel Riggs

Re: Bad Idea!

August 4 2010, 8:26 PM 

Do not let the retraunt owner talk you into putting a topical on his tile it will not adhere and will look like utter dog poop in six months or less. In the near term it will make you look bad.

Janitorial companies do it all the time and it they increase the build up just like on vct floors then by the time it cant be fixed without a fuul strip the janitorial company that started doing it is long gone and then whoever is asked to fix the mess is out of luck because they wont want to pay what it takes to get it done right.

Dont make there wish for shinyness make you look bad.


Rick Gelinas

Just say no to applying finish on hard surfaces

August 5 2010, 8:12 AM 

Joel is right. Never apply topical coatings to ceramic, porcelain, marble, granite, slate, etc. Hard floors are not porous, so the coatings don't adhere well. The finish builds up in the grout lines. And in a short time the floor looks worse than it dod before the service was performed. And getting the finish build up from the grout lines can be just about impossible.

Exceptions to the "no coating" rule would be Mexican Saltillo tile which is highly porous and accepts specific floor coatings well. Concrete can sometimes be coated with moderate success. And terrazzo can sometimes be coated with marginal success at best.

So for what it's worth I would as a rule avoid coating "hard floors" You'll be opening up a can of worms if you do.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 5, 2010 8:34 AM

David Hebert

Re: Just say no to applying finish on hard surfaces

August 7 2010, 9:27 AM 

I agree do not let the person talk you into coating the floors.

Here is where I depart from the rest, hard floors can be coated and look good for ages. You need to use the proper coatings is the issue, regular floor finish will not do yes there will be a mess.

Using specialized coatings made for these type of flooring is a must we maintain terrazzo and marble floors that have coatings on them and have for years. From churches to hotel lobbies if you know what to put down and do proper maintenance it is not a problem. I would rather not have coatings on floors, but the reality is that most will not pay for restoration or the floor has been taken down a bit to much from people before.


Current Topic - ceramic and Porcelain tile
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